Prologue: The End

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The fight against the army of the dead had been raging for two days and had claimed many innocents in its path...

The wind howled ferociously causing snow to come hurling towards him as he fought off the weights. His body was weak and exhausted but he kept slashing through the corpses, there forms dissembling as they fell to the ground. Screeching, grunts, and steel could be heard around him, as his own steel thrust through a blue eyes creature. His eyes focused on the figure running towards him screeching, hands flaring, Jon lunged forward slicing his sword through the air cutting the creature in two. Its body gave a crashing sound as it hit the floor, showing how much the body had decomposed. His leather garb grew heavy due to the snow, his gloves useless at defending his numbed hands from the elements, Jon had never been so cold.

Jon heard a loud screech and look to the clouded skies, his brows creased at the sight of Verserion's corpse flying through the air with the night king on his back. He was angry at how much it had hurt Daenerys the day her son was taken and he hated how much more it hurt her to find out what the Night King had done to him. His thoughts were interrupted by another loud screech, blue flames covered the sky causing Jon to squint his eyes, he heard the screams of burning men to his left he could smell the burning flesh, he could feel the heat on the side of his face.

"Jon!" A gruff familiar voice shouted, Jon looked to his right and saw a massive ginger man running towards him, he looked as worn out as Jon, his face, and clothes covered in mud and blood, which he had in common with Jon. Tormound stopped right next to him and grabbed his shoulder tighly, his grip shaking from fitigue. "The dead Dragon is here!" He shouted bearly audible over the wind. Jon had never seen Tourmand so shaken up or scared and it troubled him.

"Catapult!" Jon shouted, not wanting to say to many words in case they were carried away with the wind. Tourmand nodded though and let go of Jon's arm walking towards where the catapult was. Jon couldn't see more then twenty meters in front of him, his eyes closing as much as possible to protect him from the snow. He ducked lower giving him more protection. But he could tell from the noise that they were near.

Jon ran forward and began cutting through a crowd of undead, LongClaw slicing through the creatures with ease. His arms ablaze and in agony, as he struggled to keep going, he felt worn out and broken but he kept going because he promised himself he would see the Night King die, he promised himself he would keep going for his people, for his family. He wanted to die knowing that they were safe, that they were okay even without him and the only way to achieve that was to keep going. He heard the loud crank of the catapult firing and watched as it flew through the air and towards the Night Kings, its Dragonglass tip logging its way into dead Viserions heart.

Jon watched as the dragon starting falling towards the grounds its body and at the mercy of the cruel wind. Jon started running towards where the Dragon was going to land his legs moving as fast as they could. The dragon landed with a loud thud its weight causing the ground to shake around it and snow and mud the fly in the air. There was silence as he got closer to the beast, the only sound audible was the sound of Jon's heartbeat thudding in his ears. He walked through the cloud of snow, LongClaw up in suspicion.

His foot nudged into the Dragons wing, he looked up towards the beast's eyes and saw they were closed. There was no blood and nor air coming from its mouth or nostrils Jon assumed it was dead and began to make his way round to the back of the Dragon hoping to find the Nigh Kings corpse or a pile of ice but there was nothing. He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see the night king with a spear in his hand, his blue eyes bore into Jon's.

Jon thought about all the time he had seen the Night king before. The massacre at Hardhome, he remembered as he watched the Night King'a army tair through the wildlings then bring them back by only raising his hands. He remembered looking into the Night Kings eyes as he sailed back towards the ships, those eyes gave Jon nightmares still. Beyond the wall, he was angry that day he wanted to end everything he wanted to end the suffering and avenge Daenerys child. Even after she had told him it wasn't his fault, Jon couldn't help But feel guilty for what happened to her son.

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