Chapter 3: Winterfell...

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Dany and Lyanna were on their way north to Winterfell, so Sansa and the rest of the Starks that where still there could see their niece. Daenerys found it hard being back at Winterfell because of all the memories it brought back but she loved seeing the Starks and Ghost when he would come around from time to time always watching over Lyanna, most likely recognizing that she was the daughter of his old master. Tyrion had joined the party along with Missandie and her Queens guard and other guards so they are protected at all time's.

Ser Jorah was the Lard commander of her queen's guard always watching over her and comforting her when she would think about Jon or Viserion, he was a good friend, like a father to her and he had come to except that too. Lyanna liked Ser Jorah giving him the nickname old bear like she used to call him when she was younger, she smiled the first time she had called him that and Ser Jorah laughed too. Lyanna also loved Missandie and would often go to her when she needed someone to play with and Missandie was always happy to help her.

Winterfell started to come into view and she couldn't help but shudder as she looked over to the land where the Battle against the dead had taken place. She remembered all the destruction and bodies that plagued the land long after the Night Kings demise but now after so long it had been restored by the Lady of Winterfell and in its crypts lay another statue, next to the statute of their mother and uncle.

Dany rode on , she had chosen to ride rather than go by carriages like Massiandie and Lyanna, though Lyanna had fought to ride next to her mother. Lyanna was a great rider, growing up around Dothraki and having a mother who was also a Khaleesi, she was faster than most and still only four. The gates of Winterfell came into view and she heard the shout of the men guarding the wall, giving the people inside the signal that the Queen had arrived.

The gated opened and Dany and her entourage rode into the courtyard of Winterfell, she spotted a redhead in front of the large crowd that stood in the courtyard awaiting her arrival. She remembers the first time she came through the gates, she was nervous and right to be so, the men and women gave her dirty looks and whispered things about her but today she was greeted with smiled and a large grin from the redhead who had become like a sister to her. Dany got down from her horse and walked towards Sansa, instead of giving her a handshake Sansa pulled her into her embrace. "I've missed you, Your Grace" Dany stepped back with a smile on her face, she and the Stark sibling had become close over the years and became like family to each other.

"Daenerys. And I've missed you too Sansa and so had Lyanna." Sansa smiled at the mention of her niece, she looked behind Dany to presumably where her daughter was exiting the carriage. Dany looked back and saw her daughter run towards Sansa and jump into her arms. Sansa picked her up and swung her around causing Lyanna to giggle. Lynna had the most contagious laugh and it caused the people around her to smile even the grumpy northerners.

Sansa put her down and leaned over her trailing her eyes up and down her the little girls form. "You have gotten big, you look more and more like your father every day." She whispered sweetly as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to Lyanna's forehead. She stood up straight and looked to the rest of her company. "You will be tired from your long journey, rooms have been prepared and a feast will be served in the great hall at sundown." There were cheers from the northerners and Sansa gestured for her to follow her inside the castle but she had something she needed to do first.

"I need to go see him." Sansa nodded in understanding, Dany looked at her daughter. "You go with your Aunt Sansa, you can tell her about your new horse." Lyanna eyes lit up and she followed Sansa talking about her new horse as she went, she had been so happy the day she received her horse, she called it Snow as it was all white like snow she said. Dany smiled as she watched her daughter leave then she turned to the crypts it was cold and dark and not somewhere she belonged but she needed to see him. She took a touch from the wall, the heat doing nothing to her but lighting up the way as she made her way down the to the newest statue.

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