Chapter 1: 5 years later...

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5 Years Later....


Dany jolted awake her breathing unstable as her lungs screamed for air, her skin flustered and sweaty causing her nightgown and sheets to stick to her body. She sat up looking around her chambers which resided in the Redkeep, she felt Lyanna to her left. Soundlessly curled up on the bed her raven black locks surrounding her head on the pillow like a halo. She looked very much like her father the only exception were her violet eyes which were the only giveaway into her Targaryen heritage.

Dany settled next to her. Sitting up, back against the headboard as she ran her fingers through her daughter's hair, she closed her eyes. Images from her dream popped into her head, she had been reliving the day she found out about Jon's death, she had been so devastated, that she went out into the battlefield to search for his body but she found nothing. She would often lay awake dreaming of Jon, sometimes they would be happy memorize form there time together, other times they would be lucid images of Jon's dead corpse but in her dreams, he had blue eyes instead of his expressive grey ones.

She could picture his face clearly, his features permanently burned into her memory even after so many years without him and so many battles. She had defeated Cerci and taken back her throne, she had brought peace to the seven kingdoms and broken the wheel but none of seems worth it or satisfying. She couldn't help but think of the many people that they had lost on there way to peace.

Arya had gone west after the war in search of adventure, her friend Gendry joining her on her expedition, she hadn't seen them in over 3 years but Arya would often send letters about her adventure and always keeps Lyanna updated as Lyanna loves her aunt Arya probably more then she loves her aunt Sansa who resides in the north serving as wardeness of the north and Lady of Winterfell. Sansa had not taken a husband but she was still young and Daenerys wouldn't force her into anything she didn't want to do.

Tyrion had stayed in the capital to serve as her hand whilst his brother took Castley rock and the title that came along with that land. After the war against Cerci, he had bent the knee and been tried for his crimes, in the end, they agreed that he had repented for his crimes. Samwell Tarly had become Lord of Hornhill their house becoming the new wardens of the west after the extinction of house Tyrel at Cerci's hands.

They had rebuilt the wall and most of the north, rebranding the Night's watch and regaining it to its previous glory. They changed Castle black and called it the Snow tower in homage to the hero who brought the dawn and who protected the realm. Jon. She had seen to it that the right number of men was sent there to fill all the castle and that it had enough resources.

The wildlings had taken the gift for there home so they could live freely south of the wall but they were not to rape or pillage farmers and would be given officiant resources even becoming one of the Stark's bannermen. The wildling reminded her of the Dothraki when it came to there traditions and their way of life but one was from the deserts of the Dothraki sea and the other from the unforgiving north.

Dany continued to brush her fingers through her daughter's hair until morning came, the sun shining through the window causing Lyanna to stir, it would be her fifth name day soon and that meant it had nearly been five years since the Night King was destroyed and that Jon had died. "Momma" She heard Lyanna sleepy voice whisper as she looked up at her through those violet eyes of hers.

"Yes, my sweetling," Dany asked kissing Lyanna forehead causing her to giggle. She saw Lyanna face go serious and it made Daenerys swallow in anticipation. She knitted her eyebrows together and cupped Lyanna cheek facing her head so she could look at her. "What is is, Lyanna?" She asked softly, she was worried and she could see Lyanna begin to brood, just like her father Dany thought.

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