Chapter 4: Lyanna Targaryen Stark...

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She watched as the unique guard promptly marched away. There was something about him, something comforting and relaxing, she felt as though she could be herself and tell him anything. It was unusual and caused her to rethink over the conversation she had just had with him, his voice seemed familiar but hidden beneath layers and layers of deception. He didn't even look like he was truly guarding she realised he must have come up here for the same reason she had, as an escape.

She remembered the last time she had been here. Jon had made her accompany him, pulling her along the yard and up the ladders to the top of the wall. He gazed at her and grinned then turned her so she could see the sky. The sun was just rising in the sky, orange bathing the darkness hinting at the dawn, it was the most beautiful thing she had seen in a long time. It made her hope for a better future, for a future with Jon but she knew there was a chance it could be all taken from her and how right she was. She turned to Jon, a tear in her eye her lips instinctively finding his, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him even closer. When she finally let go of him she stared into his eyes and saw nothing but love, she felt it in his touch, in the way he caressed her face with his gloved hands. She pulled him in for another kiss this time more passionate, savoring the taste of his lips.

She opened her eyes and looked into the dark skies that surround her and felt a pang of loss in her chest, she missed his smile. She stepped forward leaning on the cold, stone wall, sighing, she would have to go back to the feast again and she was dreading it. It was loud and overbearing but it was a custom. She made her way to the stairs that led down to the courtyard. Stepping down them, lifting her skirt's so she didn't trip. She heard the sound of grunting close to where she was walking and decided to follow the noise.

She walked closer and listened to the sound of steel hitting wood, someone is training this late at night while there was a feast going on, she thought. She walked into the training yard and saw a lone figure beating a dummy as hard as he could, he seemed frustrated and angry. His hair long and dark, coming past his shoulders, his body lurched forward as he took all his anger out on the dummy. "Pull yourself together." She heard him growl, the sound of his voice made her heart beat faster, she recognized the voice.

She came closer to the figure, slowly, he must have heard because he stopped but didn't turn. "I'm sorry, I will leave." He said as he began to move away from her, she didn't know what to say, she froze at the sound of his voice. He walked towards the tower his hair finally fully visible in the light, it was just like Lyanna's she thought.

"Stop!" She finally said loud enough for him to hear, she watched as he paused and froze on the spot his muscle tensing at the sound of her voice as if he recognized it. He released his sword, his hands falling to his sides. She waited to see if he would turn around but he didn't, waiting for her order she presumed, but she couldn't give it.

"You should go back to the feast, Dany." He announced then, her mouth opened in confusion, she knew who he was but didn't know how it was possible for him to be alive, she felt tears sting her eyes at the realization. She must be going mad she thought, she must be seeing a ghost. She had not heard anyone use her nickname since his death and his northern accent was easily recognizable.

"Jon?" She breathed, she watched as he shuffled, but still didn't turn. She stepped forward to try and reach for him but he turned to her, his grey eye's haunted and full of loss, she didn't recognize him in that second, but the closer she looked the more she could see the man she once knew. He still had a clipped beard, his face still occupied with scars but there were no added ones, which made her feel better, his hair was long and looked like it hadn't been cut in years. "Jon," She spoke again, with a smile on her face, but he didn't share her enthusiasm.

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