Chapter 6: The truth...

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Dany arose gasping Jon's name, she peered around the chamber and saw Missandei sitting at her bedside watching her with a worried expression on her face. Dany needed to find him she needed to see for herself if he was truly alive, she sat up ignoring the pain in her side and the warning from her dear friend. "Your Grace, please you need to rest." She ignored her still and swung her legs over the side of the bed, she was frantically trying to get out of the room. She got up from the bed and walked over to the chamber door but her path was blocked by an unfamiliar guard, he had long hair and a bushy beard he was tall and strong, she fell into his arms involuntarily, the pain paralyzing her.

She straightened herself and looked into the man's eyes, she saw something she recognized. There was something about him. The guard picked her up and carried her to her bed carefully resting her head on the pillow and wrapping her in the fur blankets, he was too gentle to be a northern guard, she told herself. "Thank you" She whispered, he looked at her, then nodded and moved away from her and back to the door and through it to stand guard on the other side. The room was silent as she pondered over the man and what had just happened. "I need to leave, I need to find Jon," Dany said to Missandei once the door had closed. Missandei gave her a skeptical look as if she didn't believe her but it was understandable as he had been gone a near 5 years and presumed dead.

"Your Grace, the guard that found you told us you were rambling about Jon, he said you had been hallucinating and calling him Jon. The measter had concluded it was the shock and the pain or the poison that laced the blade." Missandei explained, she wanted to believe her but she knew Jon was there, it was him who held her as she lost consciousness, she knew it to be so. "I will inform the measter you are awake, Your Grace." She shuffled out of the door, leaving Dany to contemplate her thoughts.

She started to feel pain again, she felt uncomfortable but there was no one to help her, she thought to the guard who had helped her to bed not too long ago and wondered if he was still outside her door. She didn't get his name so she didn't know how to address him "Guard!" She shouted, loud enough for him to hear outside the door. He walked through the door, not a second later a concerned expression on his face he looked around the room to see if anything was wrong. "I'm sorry, can you help me please?" He looked at her confused but nodded and walked towards her.

"What is it you need help with, Your Grace?" He asked, looking her over with such intensity, she didn't know what it was about the man but his smoldering gaze made her feel a little self-conscious and she hated feeling that way. She must have been staring at him weird because his eyebrows knotted together "Is there something wrong, your grace. Would you like me to leave?" She shook her head, his northern accent exceedingly clear in his words.

"No, I'm just tired, sorry. I just need help moving fro-" Her words died in her throat when he picked her up and began moving her and the furs on the bed to make it more comfortable for her, it surprised her but she wasn't complaining. She felt as though she could trust this man as she did when she spoke to the guard on top of the wall. He placed her back in the bed and moved the pillows under her head so they were comfortable for her, she watched him from where she was laying, she felt as though she had met the man before as though she recognized him, it was a strange feeling, one in which she couldn't ignore.

"Is that okay your grace?" He said slowly, looking into her eyes. She did feel very comfortable and the ache in her side had seemed to subside but she went to turn to get a glass of water and winced. He moved into action and grabbed the water and tilted the glass against her lips helping her drink. He was sitting next to her on the bed at this point, the hand not holding the cup resting on her hip, which would have caused her to shout at anyone else but it felt natural with this man. He moved the cup from her lips and placed it on the nightstand, she licked her lips and watched as the man's chocolate brown eyes watched her lips.

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