Epilogue: The Beginning

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This one is pretty long but so worth it. Enjoy x T


Lyanna woke to the slight dip in the feathered mattress, she hadn't noticed the absence of her mother earlier but she felt the sudden warmth that emitted from her as she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her but there was something about these arms, about this embrace. She heard muffled whispers one low and gravelly and the other the familiar sound of her mother's soft voice. She wasn't quite awake yet but the feeling of strong arms wrapped around her only helped the sleep she had been trying elude envelope her, drowning her senses.


She felt herself sigh as she woke to the scanty daylight that had crept its way into the chamber. she cracked open her stiff, sleep-filled eyes and looked around the familiar aesthetic of her momma's chambers, her mind not fully awake. She wiggled a little to help wake her stiff limbs so she could get ready for the day, that was when she felt the strong arms that had wrapped themselves securely around her body. She remembered the strange feeling she had the night before, but she didn't feel panic fill her scenes, only love and peace.

She gently glided her fingers over one of the arms, her finger tingling as they made contact with the hairs on the arms, the muscles underneath the layer of hairs tensed as her hand traced over the radius of the arm. This was not her momma, she thought. She sat up quickly in excitement then, the arm snatching itself away at the sudden movement, she heard a low groan from behind her. She felt movement behind her once again and then a pair of eye burning into her back, she turned slowly her heart pounding.

She smiled widely as her eye met a familiar pair of grey ones. "Dadda!" She squealed in excitement, as she jumped into his arms earning a winded groan from him. She buried her face into his chest, his arms securing them-self around her form, holding her close to him. She felt him inhale deeply.

"Yes, it's me, sweetling." The low gruff sound of his voice soothed her as she fought away he tears. She had her Dadda back and now they were going to be a family again and momma was not going to be sad anymore, she thought. It was all she had wanted all her life, ever since she was a baby, she wanted to meet the man who fought with wildling and defeated the Night king, she also wanted to meet the kind and caring man that her momma always described, the strong and selfless leader aunt Sansa had told her about on her many visits.

She felt another pair of arms join in the embrace, her dadda's arms wrapping around her and her momma holding them both close. "I love you both so much" Her daddy whispered as he kissed her and her mamma's foreheads. She felt loved, she felt so much love and warmth.

She finally pulled back to look at her dadda, his long raven curls matching hers, his dark grey eyes filled with so much love, the scars covering his forehead and eye telling of the battles he had fought. He looked the same as he did in her dreams, his hair longer but she liked it better this way. Her thoughts were interrupted by scratching at the chamber door, she watched her dadda roll his eyes and smile, whispering something under his breath. He slowly unwrapped himself from them and made his way to the chamber door opening it to reveal the gleaming blood-red eyes and snow whiter fur of Ghost.

She watched as her dadda embraced the huge beast as he had done in the stables the last time she had seen him when he thought she didn't know who she was. She saw Ghost attack her dadda, pinning his beneath his huge paws, licking his face as her dadda struggled and withered beneath. She laughed loudly at the scene her momma joining in. "Ghost get off me, you giant oaf!" Her dadda shouted making her laugh, even more, she felt her stomach begin to cramp at the sheer amount of laughter she was emitting. Her eyes shut, as she continued to laugh at the sound of her dadda struggling.

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