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   The rising smoke from the cigar twirled in the air as it rushed to meet the ceiling. Roberto tightened his hold on his glass of whiskey as he pondered. What was happening to him was infuriating, he need to see his son and he also needed to expand his shipment, none of which was working according to plan.

  The Everest company still hadn't agreed to do business with him, he was an honest man but lately he couldn't understand why his honesty wasn't working for him, rather it worked against him.

Picking up his phone, Roberto dialed Paola's cell phone, which he picked up on the first ring. His hands were shaking but he controlled himself and spoke steadily into the phone. "Paolo, since the company have refused to make a deal, I want us to adopt your plan."

Paolo's voice was strong and fearless as be gave him the plan he had carefully laid out while Roberto listened attentively.



  I washed my hands and adjusted my yellow cover all, I looked at my time and sighed loudly, I was exhausted already even if I hadn't really done any work today. That's what happens when you do something that you didn't fancy.

I checked out my reflection in the mirror and saw how my life had changed so fast. From a writer to a factory worker, the two didn't fit at all.

Quickly I wore my safety glasses to protect my eyes. I had heard one too many stories about how workers lose their eyes, ears, arm all because of a small slip, that slip could cost you your life.

I stepped out of the restroom and smiled as Bob came over.

Bob had been working for the company for the past five years, he was a sweet guy with a wonderful personality. Several times I had caught him staring at me but I didn't want to believe that he was interested.

Certainly I wasn't interested in him. The guy was sweet and all but I wouldn't want anything to do with him.

As he reached me, he moved over and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek.
"Good morning Bob" I greeted.

"Good morning Amara, as always you look splendid in your work cloths." He gave me an admiring look.

I laughed at his attempt to flirt. "Come on Bob, you tell me that every time. Thank you anyway, but I have to start work now."

I gave him a sharp nod and started heading towards the store room when Bob stopped me. " Amara, please wait. Can we have dinner tonight? I mean a--fter you c-lose up."

I paused for a second. Dinner? Was he being serious? I tried to make up an excuse.

"So sorry dear. I will be leaving late tonight because I have to take total stock of everything we produced today. I don't think I can make it. I am sorry."

"I can stay with you till you close, that's if you don't mind. Besides you'll be all alone and you may need an extra hand."

Smiling sweetly I shook my head.
" You don't have to go through that stress for me Bob. I won't be alone, I have the security guard and I will be just fine."

Bob tried one last time. "Maybe we can hang out tomorrow night then?"

I was tired of looking into his pleading eyes so I just gave a nod of acceptance. "Fine, I will see you tomorrow night then."

Bob moved over and gave me a little hug as he raised his head from my shoulders he whispered into my ear. "Be safe."

I smiled at him and walked over to the store room.

    Late into the night as I counted the containers that have been arranged in rows, I sipped my drink. Several times I had gone out to collect coffee and every time I realised how empty the work place was.
I wasn't afraid to be alone but I didn't like the feeling one bit.

I scribbled on my pad but stopped abruptly when I heard noise coming from the backroom which was used for emergency purposes only. My heart beat loudly in my chest because I didn't know what could be making the noise. Was it a rodent? God no! I was scared of rats!

I dropped my pen and pad and took a peek from the storage room, the place was pitch black and I remembered vividly well that the security lights were on when I had collected my coffee from the kitchen area. Some light pointed towards my direction caught my eye and I ducked and hid behind the door.

What the fuck! I was hyperventilating.

Something was wrong here. I placed my palm flat on my pockets to fetch my phone, but I couldn't feel it.

Where did I put the damn thing!

I fussed around only to remember that I had left it on one of the many tables.

Shit! And double shit!

I went on my knees to hide from the flash light moving around and began to crawl towards the noise I was hearing.

Where was the stupid guard when you need him? I bet he's snoring his miserable life out right now on one of those chairs he loved so much.

As I reached the end of the aisle, I raised my head gradually and let my eyes adjust to the darkness that was around me.

Thank you Edison for the gift of light! Now I understood its importance firsthand.

I squinted my eyes and finally I saw them. They were all dressed in black, I couldn't count because of fear but my mind could register that two were making a huge hole in the roof!
My right hand flew to my mouth and I held on tight not wanting to make a noise.

I saw one of the men approaching and I crawled back to the storage room, as fast as my knees could let me. When the footstep got closer and closer, I felt panic and dashed towards the first container I saw. I opened it, slipped in and closed it as quietly as I could.

I didn't know how long I had stayed in the container and I couldn't check my watch because it was pitch dark. I couldn't hear a thing and I couldn't tell if the intruders were gone. I placed my palm to push open the door, but the sudden jerkiness of the container brought me to a halt.

My eyes bulged in their socket.
I was trapped in a moving container!

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