•Hopeless •

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      How on earth had I let this happen to me!
I pushed with all my strength but the door wouldn't budge, I knew why, but I just couldn't stop pushing. You see, the containers  were manufactured in a way that it could only be opened from the outside.
I just knew that fact two days ago and now i was stuck in here because of my short retentive memory span.

My body was tired but I needed to get the hell out of here before it was too late. If only I hadn't stayed back at work and instead joined Bob in having dinner, I would have been safe.

A loud thud resonated at the same time my  body flew and collided with the wall of the container. I picked myself up gently, thankfully I wasn't hurt.



Roberto said and listened to the voice at the other end. He sighed in relieve at the words he had been waiting in anticipation to hear, registered in his brain.

"Thank you Paolo, I will be with you in an hour."
Roberto called out to the bodyguard standing just outside the door.
"Skye, get my car ready, I have an important place to be. Inform Rico that I won't be needing his service."

Roberto reached the warehouse and moved swiftly to the back, where he met up with Paolo.
"Where is my babies?" He asked quietly.

Pablo pointed at the entrance of the building. "Over there boss. All you need to do is walk down there and inspect it yourself."

"Che figata Poalo! Did you keep the money in exchange?"

Paolo nodded. "Just as you demanded boss."

Roberto stole a glance at him for a brief moment. "Did you spill blood?"

"That wasn't part of the plan boss." Paolo replied steadily.

"I asked a question and I need a simple answer, yes or no?"

Paolo folded his arms together, looking pissed. "Yes boss."


"He was acting all tough, I roughed him up a little and the fucker was still talking, so I pointed the gun at his tramp and it shut him up forever."

Roberto's face was calm as he listened to Paolo. He knew something like this would happen , he had warned him not to spill blood because that would only push the police to investigate harder, but it was too late now.

"Wrap it all up and send them to the compound."

"Boss,  we can't let the oth---"

Roberto replied sternly. "Just do as I say."

Paolo watched him leave and he let out a sardonic smile.

Two hours later.

   There was thunderous laughter as the men drank and smoked after a long day, the air was heavy but they didn't care. Paolo sat in a corner nursing his bottle of beer, an half naked girl stood behind him and worked on his stiff shoulders. He knocked her soft hands away and she scurried away from his reach.

She hadn't been doing a bad job at wanting him to relax but Paolo knew that he wasn't getting any rest till his plan was a success. He threw his glance around the room and his subordinates who were on with him raised their glasses apprehensively.

His attention was brought back home when he saw the incoming call been displayed on his screen. He grunted feeling annoyed like a small child who couldn't find his toy.


The caller paused for a second before talking.

"Are we still doing business Paolo?"

"I told you I would call you!  Where the fuck did you keep your brains ? I suggest you go pick it up!" He shouted into the phone admiss the noise.

The caller replied in a calm voice.
"I apologize, but I need to know if we are still cool."

"Listen up. I call you, you pick the package and hand me my money. Don't mess with me."

"I get you."

Paolo put his hand in his pocket and quietly left the gathering. As he walked into the night he counted his gain in his head, he was going to travel far away from here, build an empire and he was going to be his own boss.

Gradually he approached the safehouse were the containers had been arranged. He had collected four hundred instead of three and now he was here to collect the extra.

He moved around inspecting them all, they all looked in good shape and none had been destroyed. Thanks to his boss he was going to kill two birds with one stone.

Paolo ran his hand on the brand design, which will soon have his name on it. He chuckled when he thought of the wealth he would roll in after selling these babies ten times the price. His chuckling came to a stop when he heard the faint sound coming from the container he had his hand on.

He placed his ear and the sound stopped.
He didn't like jokes because he hardly laughed. Hell he never laughed.

Pulling the door open, his eyes took in the vast emptiness of the space. He pointed a flashlight and not even a pin was in there.

He heard the noise again, this time louder.

Paolo closed the door and moved east, he checked the containers in the first, second and fourth row. Nothing.

He scratched his heard and decided that it had been a long day, he needed sleep, he couldn't be hearing sounds in his head, could he?
He shuffled towards the exit when the noise came again. This time, he opened the one at the end and her dark  eyes sparkled like priceless stones.



     I quickly closed my eyes from the assaulting flashlight. The man who was standing before me was still looking at me with wide eyes. One look at him and I knew that the container had been my haven, I was now in the open and I was no longer safe.

The man before me wasn't a fine man but  won't call him ugly either, he had a nice body but he didn't look nice or friendly.

Subconsciously I pulled my legs together and curled into a ball. At my movement he broke his gaze and shouted with thick Italian accent. "Who are you and what are you doing here!"

My eyes widened! The damn man was Italian?

I didn't know how to reply,  but I made an attempt to talk because I still love my head on my neck.
"My name i-s Amara. Sir"
I don't know why I added the last word but I had to play it cool if I wanted to leave this place in one piece.

The man eyed me and snarled like a nice wild animal. "Do not call me sir, my boss will deal with you woman and I will make sure he does what I tell him." Paolo finished with a smile.

There was a boss? My life was officially over.

My gravestone reads: RIP Amara Colin you were a sweet sweet sweet idiot, one of the best to have walked this earth!

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