•His offer•

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      The long hallway only seem to stretch onwards as the man dragged me along fiercely, I have long stopped screaming and cussing because none of the above seemed effective. Finally we got to an office at the end of the Hall, the door was slightly open so I peeked in but I didn't see anyone.

The man who held my arm so tight like a freaking wristband knocked lightly on the brass door and without waiting for a reply he pushed me in and I stumbled over.

Fuck me. It was déjà vu all over again, but this time I was definitely not getting off the hook.

The tall man sitting behind his desk looked up from his work and took in the scene just for a moment. His heavy brow raised up inquiring as he spoke up, his rich voice filling the room. "Who is she Paolo? And what the hell is this all for?"

So his name was Paolo, nice.

Paolo smiled like a maniac and I shook a little in fear. " Boss, she's a little present for you." He pushed me forward for emphasis.

The boss grunted uninterested. "I told you that Cecily is still vibrant and she gives me all the care and attention I need, having her is enough, another woman is not what I want right now."

"Boss, this woman is special, I found her in someplace you'll never guess."

I stood there like a mannequin not wanting to bring any sort of attention to myself. Inside I was a quivering mess.

"I don't fucking care where you found her---"

"Yes, yes you do Boss. I found this delicate woman inside one of your containers. The ones you just bought."

Roberto's eyes turned into slits and he frowned. "What did you just say Paolo?"

"I found her inside your container, Boss. Go ahead ask her."

"Che palle! So you mean to tell me that you brought this woman into Italy! Illegally?" The boss bellowed.

"I didn't bring her in boss, she came through the container." Paolo defended himself all too quickly and I almost smiled at his fear.

Roberto turned his gaze to me and I shrank back from his intense look. "And who are you?"

I straightened my spine and cleared my throat audibly, I knew this men were dangerous and I didn't want to come off as a scared kitten.

It wouldn't look good at all.

"My name is Amara Colin, and I work for the Everest company."

The man who was called "boss" looked me up and down steadily and I could feel his gaze burn my skin.

"Well hello Amara, welcome to the Ernesto cartel. What were you doing in a container if I may ask?"

I didn't know how to reply to that sort of question so I simply kept quiet.
He looked at me expecting a reply, but I stood still and looked straight into his eyes.

The man finally averted his gaze. "She looks strong Paolo, what do you suggest we do with her? Surely she can't go back home, she won't be able to keep quiet."

At his words I felt the ground shake but it was only my imagination. I can't go back home? This shit wasn't happening.
"I am sorry Sir but I can't stay here with you! I don't know anything about your business and I want to go home now."

Roberto shook his head and the man named Paolo dragged my hair and pinned my small body to his. He brought his mouth close to my ear and I felt his cool breath fan my face as he spoke.

"You don't have a say in this pretty flower. No one steps foot in here and go back to the outside world. You are one of us now and we do whatever we want with you."

I stopped struggling and let his words sink in, these men were damn serious I wasn't going to leave here ever and the thought of it was scary.

No scratch that, it to was terrifying!

The boss spoke up after watching the scene. "Amara, I really like you so one option is off our list."

I summoned courage and asked harshly. "What option are we talking about here?"

He rubbed his beard underneath his chin slowly. "Hmmm, well you have your life in exchange for another kind of life my dear."

My lips were trembling but I had to be strong. I looked him in the eye and asked the dreaded question."What kind of life are you offering?"

The man smiled slightly and he replied casually, like he did this all the time. "You work for me as a dancer, that way you earn your keep. The men around here surely need a new kind of excitement."

I bit my lips to stop the tears from falling. This couldn't be my life, I could cook, clean, do the laundry, mow the lawn but I couldn't dance, not even to save my life.
"What if I refuse?" I asked softly, I knew I was treading in deep waters but I had to try.

The boss opened his desk drawer and fetched a glowing revolver which he caressed opening with his left hand, which was clad in silver rings.
"You refuse ragazza (girl) and I will have no choice than to help you cross over to the other side."

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