Chapter Five

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Chatter is buzzing through the room of my government class as people talk to the new students. All day people have seemed distracted with all the new faces. I figure a lot of this week is going to be like this while our new students try and catch up to where we are in current lesson plans. Most of the teachers have also seemed more lax today.

The bell rings and I head out the door and head toward the cafeteria for Lunch Hour II for Juniors and Seniors. I quickly go through the line, purchasing a simple turkey sandwich, apple and a drink. I spot Bryony at our usual table, looking around for someone.

I wonder who, please note the sarcasm.

"Where do you want me?" I ask her. She looks at me, confused. "To sit, Bry. I can sit across from you so he can sit next to you, or I can sit next to you so you can look at him and talk. Where do you want me?" Understanding finally hits and she smiles shyly.

"I don't know, what do you think I should do?" She asks me.

"Haven't you ever been on a date?" I ask and she gives me a mock glare.

"You probably know better than anyone. Also, Jesse Pierce, back in eighth grade doesn't really count, Dahl. I don't know what to do here." She pouts.

Putting her out of her misery, I decided for her and I took the chair across from her.

"Sit next to him so you can talk easier in the loud cafeteria and get to know him." I offer with a smile. She smiles back in thanks. Bryony is practically glowing with happiness and I love seeing her happy.

The chairs on each of our sides slide out at the same time and I see Shale sit next to Bry.

Smart man.

Which then means I'm sitting next to... Awe, crud. I didn't think about that part. I guess I'm taking one for the team. All in the name of Bryony's happiness, right?

Axl plops into the chair next to me and immediately starts on his food without looking up or making eye contact with anyone else at the table.

Thank goodness for small miracles.

I start eating my food and try my best to give the happy couple some privacy. I people-watch a bit and note a few jealous looks from familiar faces. Samantha Davies doesn't look too happy that Bryony and I are sitting with a couple of the new students. I see her set her jaw with determination and stand to walk over to our little corner table, with a few straggling preppy followers close behind. She stops next to Shale and Axl at the end of our table. My eyes may be playing tricks on me, but from this proximity, her pink shirt combined with her spray-on tan gives her an orange appearance.

"Hi guys!" She coos, "I'm Samantha, the Junior Class Vice President here at Brookside. I just wanted to come over and introduce myself." Samantha's overly friendly, plastic voice grates at my ears.

Shale looks up toward her and smiles politely but it seems strained. Axl stops eating, looking up with a hint of annoyance but that doesn't seem to deter Samantha. Instead she holds her hands behind her back, pushing her chest out further and leans over, giving the whole table a view of her cleavage. Her skin-tight top has a plunging v-neck that leaves little to the imagination.

"If you boys need anything... Please let me know. I'm here to serve." Samantha purrs, her voice dropping low making her words suggestive. Shale leans away from her and places his arm across the back of Bryony's chair and places his fingers gently on her upper arm. Bryony's cheeks flame red but she doesn't shrug him off, instead she leans into his side slightly in encouragement. They have now clearly marked their territory so Samantha turns her attention to Axl who is no longer hiding is irritation at her presence at our table. I decide to just sit back and watch the show. I'm pretty sure I failed at hiding my grin.

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