Chapter Eighteen

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Friday morning, Ivy slightly sulked in the backseat all the way to school. When we arrived she quickly stomped away, joining her friends. Bryony and I glance at one another but neither of us say anything.

Axl is still not in school and I feel my mood darken. An over-all sadness takes root. Kennedy High's classes start up again on Monday morning. If he's going back to his old school, today would have been the last day that I could talk to him. I can only hope that one day he can forgive my behavior toward him and want to talk to me again. If he's as stubborn as me though, which with being my Match is fairly likely, that may never happen.

I still hear the student body gossiping about the big party this weekend, sounds like its going to be a full on rager. I roll my eyes mentally at their giddy conversations. Later that day, when we're sitting down to dinner Ivy's sulking has lessened. My mother takes notice.

"How are you, dear? Feeling better?" She asks Ivy. Ivy plays with the lettuce on her plate with the tips of the prongs on her fork before answering.

"I'm okay," she answers with a small shrug. "I talked to Ashlee today, her parent's aren't letting her go to the party either. She invited me to a movie with her instead."

"Well that sounds lovely, sweetheart. Of course you should go with Ashlee to the movies. Do you know what you want to go see? Anything interesting?"

"I think that new Fantasy Adventure movie is out. The one with all the cool GC effects."

"That sounds fun!" My mother replies enthusiastically. They continue to talk about new movies and weekend plans. A feeling of unease about her plans settles in my gut but my father agrees to let Ivy go to the movies so I keep my lips closed.

~ ~ ~

Saturday arrives and Bryony is attempting to talk me into being the third wheel on her plans with Shale tonight.

"Its dinner at the diner and maybe some bowling or something equally as cheesy. Come out and have a little fun. You've been out of sorts all week." Bryony's eyes are shadowed in concern and my resolve crumbles.

"Gah, stop. Fine! I can't resist when you use the puppy eyes on me!" I relent and her face beams with a wide grin. "Don't gloat." I scold her, but there is no fire in my words so she just blows me a kiss from across our shared room. I roll my eyes at but smile. Its hard not to be happy when Bryony is happy.

"Okay, lets get ready. Shale will be here in an hour." She jumps off her bed and opens the closet door. I just throw on my converse and run a brush through my hair while Bryony fixes her make up. When I see her grab a sweater I remember the autumn chill from the other night and turn to put on my own sweater when my eyes catch a shadow of black hanging on the back of my desk chair. Axl's zipper hoodie rests on my chair and I feel a pang in my heart, knowing how I've treated him, not knowing if I'll ever get the chance to see him, let alone talk to him, again. Without second guessing myself I grab the hoodie, slip it on and zip it up. The sleeves are too long, the hem falls past my butt and I look like I'm wearing a tent. But the fabric is soft and well worn, it still carries his sandalwood scent and wearing it makes me feel better than I have felt in several days.

If Bryony finds my sweater choice odd, she gives no outward indication. Shale arrives and we both climb into his car and head downtown. Shale smiles and talks with Bryony, often attempting to pull me into the conversation with a question, but all my answers are short. He doesn't seem deterred though and continues talking without any awkwardness. He maintains contact with Bryony, holding her hand as he drives. It's sweet and someday I hope I can have that too. I quickly look away and stare out the car window, swallowing down my feelings and watching the town go by.

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