Chapter Ten

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Saturday arrived and Bryony and I had headed out to join the other volunteers at Kennedy High School.

"So what's Shale doing today while we're here?" I ask her as we wait for the orientation to start.

"I think he said he had some family obligations, I'm going to call him tonight when we get back. We might do something tomorrow night." She tells me while adjusting her long hair into a high pony tail.

"However will he survive without seeing your beautiful face for over 24 hours?" I tease her, she responds by scratching the side of her face with her middle finger. I just laugh.
"I guess that's what selfies are for, huh? Would you like me to take one for you before you get all sweaty and gross?" I offer and wave my cell phone at her. This time she laughs.

"Alright folks, we're about to get started here!" A voice calls out, grabbing the attention of everyone. The speaker, a middle aged woman with a round center and sprinkles of gray hair at her temples, stood at the front of the school holding a clipboard. She wore a bright red "Volunteer" shirt and worn blue jeans.
"Thank you for helping out today. It means a lot that you are lending your time and support in repairing Kennedy High." The speaker paused and everyone gave a little applause of thanks. "My name is Marion Potter, I'm the volunteer coordinator for this project. We're working closely with the contractors and other safety crews so that we can give the most help without endangering ourselves or others. So please, if you're not sure about something, ask me or your team leader before deciding for yourself. Our job today will be to help clear away the debris in the pre-approved zones. The construction crews will start work Monday on the heavy lifting, so clearing the way will help them immensely." Marion paused to look at her clipboard before continuing. 
"Alright, can I have anyone with construction experience raise your hand, please." Both Bryony and I raise our hands and a guy in his twenties with a name sticker reading "Marc" came by.

"You have construction experience?" He asked us both, disbelieving. We both nod and Bryony answers for us.

"We both did a Habitat for Humanity build last year, I did one before that as well." Bryony tells him.

"I also have experience with gardening and other landscaping, if that helps." I tell him. I landscaped our entire back yard last year and help mom with the up-keep. He looks us both over for a beat before relenting and pulling up his clip board.

"Names?" He asks. When we answer, he writes down each of our names and hands us each a royal blue t-shirt, indicating we were in the construction team, before moving on. A few minutes later I hear a familiar baritone voice cutting through the crowd. Looking around, I finally spot Axl standing in front of Marc as Marc writes his name down and hands him a blue shirt. I feel my jaw drop in shock.

Axl volunteered?

He's wearing another long sleeve shirt, this one in gray, and slips the blue shirt over top. Bryony grabs my shoulder, trying to get my attention.

"What's wrong?" She asks. I point over at the reason for my shock and tell her.

"Axl's here. He volunteered." Bryony follows my line of sight until she spots him and her face brightens. She begins to wave at him an drag me toward him.

"Axl! Hi! I didn't know you were going to be here." She greets him, he looks surprised at first but covers it with an almost embarrassed expression, scratching the back of his neck and furrowing his brow. When we stop in front of him, he gives Bryony a small smile before scrunching his face and looking embarrassed again.

"Yeah," I speak up, "Are you doing community service or something? Where's your parole officer?" I ask and look around the crowd. Bryony swats me in the stomach and gives me a pointed look. I just give her a silent 'what?' back. She just shakes her head in exasperation.

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