Chapter Seventeen

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My head was still buzzing after I got home. Bryony was in our room, laying on her bed and reading when I walked in.

"Hey," she greeted me. "How was your walk?"

"It was fine. The fresh air felt nice." I replied, not sure how much I wanted to tell her. Bryony eyed me, questioningly.

"Is that a new jacket?" She asked.

"Hm?" I make a confused noise before looking down and I see that I'm still wearing Axl's hoodie. I look back up to Bryony's suspicious eyes.

"I ran into Axl." I start to explain. "I was starting to get cold and he gave me his jacket. I guess I forgot to give it back before he left." She nods slowly, mostly believing me.

"That was nice of him." She says, the suspicion now gone from her voice, and I nod. "He seems a lot nicer now than when you first ran into him at the library. Are you two doing okay now?" She asks.

"Mostly. I think." I reply simply. "It's hard for me to tell when I usually piss people off regularly." I smirk.

"You two danced at Homecoming." She pointed out, raising one dark eyebrow. "You can't hate each other that much."

"He's not entirely bad.... I guess." I conceded not liking where this conversation is headed. "I've gotten used to him." Apparently fate wants a little more than for me to just get used to him. We're Matched to be together always, unless one of us rejects the other. The thought puts a knot in my stomach. I've been completely horrible to him from the start, why would he want to be stuck with me?

"Yeah," she agreed. "He's actually really nice when you get to know him."

A lightbulb went off in my brain. Bryony has been hanging out with him a lot since he's Shale's best friend. I focus on her now, studying her face.

"What's he like? You know... really?" I ask. Bryony looks at me curiously but answers my question.

"He doesn't talk about himself or his family a lot, so I don't pry." She amends and I nod, waiting for her to continue. "He's seems loyal and kind, although I know he comes off a little rough. I know he thinks of Shale as a brother and Shale feels the same. I've started to see him as kind of a protective older brother, myself." I could see that. After what I learned tonight about his sister, I'm not surprised. He protects those he cares about.

"Cool. I guess I'll try and get to know him better too." I force a smile. I excuse myself and walk into the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I need to calm down my nerves. Looking at my reflection I realized I was still wearing his hoodie. I look so small, like I'm swimming in the material. It makes me feel small and delicate... no, it makes me feel protected. He was taking care of me. Like my Match should.

I need to repair the damage I've done.

~ ~ ~

At school the next day I wait anxiously again for Axl to arrive but he never comes. Nor the following day.

~ ~ ~

On Wednesday in homeroom, Principal Mills' voice come over the speaker.

"Good morning, students. I have wonderful news for you this morning! The building repairs to Kennedy High have been completed. After the official inspection yesterday, Kennedy High has been cleared to reopen to staff and student starting next week on Monday morning."

An echo of cheers could be heard down the corridor. A few claps sounded from our classroom but the sound was hollow in my ears. I could feel pressure around my ribs, squeezing, making each breath a chore. My eyes stung but I held myself together, taking some slow breaths and calming my anxiety. The hum of students talking slowly came back into focus and I tuned back into the principal's voice.

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