Chapter Six

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I spent all of English class trying to avoid looking at the back right corner of the room where Axl sat. I was grateful another new person, a small quiet girl named Julie, now occupied the formally empty seat next to mine.

Two classes, plus homeroom with the school's new resident killjoy.

The final bell rings and I head back to my locker. When I get there, Bryony is already waiting.

"All set?" I ask, quickly dialing in my combination and exchanging my books out.

"Yeah." She answers, fidgeting with her bag strap.

"You sure? You don't need to say goodbye to lover boy?" I tease and she playfully punches me in the arm. We walk out together and head toward the parking lot, half way there we spot Ivy talking to her friends excitedly. Before I head in her direction I decide to be more discrete and reach for my phone. Patting my pockets I come up empty and remember I had set it in my locker while I was exchanging books.

"Hey, Bry. Go get Ivy, I need to head back in and grab my phone from my locker." She nods and I turn back toward the school. Pushing against the current of students, I make my way back to my hallway. I quickly open my lock without much fuss and grab the errant phone, slipping it into my pocket. Heading back I spot Axl and Shale standing with their backs to me at the side of the hall with their heads close, trying to have a private conversation. It probably would have remained that way if Axl's deep voice hadn't carried all the way to me.

"Please don't tell me that I'm going to have to be the third wheel to you and your new girlfriend." He says to Shale. Shale just grins and nudges Axl in the shoulder.

"More likely an even fourth wheel. I imagine she'll be around her sister a lot." Shale tells him. Axl groans and stares at the ceiling with frustration.

"Your girl, Bryony, I can stand her. She seems sweet. Her sister..... I don't know if I can handle being around her that much, man."

"I'm sure you two just started off on the wrong foot. Maybe it'll be good to get to know her a bit. You could actually try to get along with her." Shale tries to reason with him. Axl huffs out in a sarcastic laugh.

"Yeah, right. If she were cute, I might be able to get over her shitty personality." Axl snarks and Shale's face gets serious.

"Bryony is gorgeous and she is Bryony's identical twin sister." Shale scolds him.

"Bryony is sweet, Dahlia is sour. Besides, you should be happy I'm not into your girl." Axl teases.

I realize that I've stopped walking and have been eavesdropping on their conversation, I'm not really interest in hearing Axl trash talking me so I turn and walk the other direction, taking the long way back to the parking lot. I'm glad that Shale seems smitten on Bryony. He seems like a good guy, they truly are a good pairing. I am not looking forward to seeing Axl around all the time. After hearing that conversation I can honestly say the feeling is mutual. 'If she were cute, I might be able to get over her shitty personality.'... Well, right back at you buddy. If you had never opened your ugly gob and spoken I might think you were half way cute. Jackass. I can't believe I am stuck with that guy for the rest of the year, in and out of school.

I make it back to the car where Bry and Ivy are waiting for me. I climb into the front seat and we head home. Ivy is texting non-stop in the back seat the entire trip. I feel my irritation raise and I snap at her.

"Tell Ashlee to wait for five damn minutes until you get home and then you can call her and talk for hours about all the things you already talked about before you even left school." I bark at Ivy.

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