Chapter 11: Problem

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"With who?" I asked her.

I had no idea why, I haven't even spent much time with her, and I didn't like the idea of her going on a date. No, I didn't just not like it.

I simply loathe the idea of her going on a date.

"Kai, from Exo."

Maybe I had just become overprotective of her, maybe I'd became selfish. But her going on a date didn't make me the happiest person in the world.

And at that moment, I had to find something else to do, anything else to do.

But I couldn't leave her without an explanation, and if she asked I can't give her one, I don't even have one for myself. "I'm gonna go to the gym with Youngjae, I promised."


Before I could hear the rest of her sentence I closed the door behind me.

My dude
I need you

What is it

Wanna go to the gym??

Anger issues again?
What are you in denial about now

I'll tell you when you get there

Give me 15 minutes and I'll be there



I started getting ready and packed a bag full of essentials.

She asked a few questions, but I ignored all of them and just walked out. How could I answer her questions when I can't even answer mine?

I drove to the gym and saw Youngjae lifting, so I spotted him. Once he was done, I sat down and began lifting too. But before I could even do one, he held it and looked down at me. "You gonna tell me or not?"

"I don't want her to go on that stupid date with him."

"Why not."

"I have no idea."


I got to his dorm, we somehow agreed that we'd meet each other there without actually verbally agreeing that we'd meet there. "Tell me how you like Y/N."

"I never said I liked her, I just said I didn't want her to go on that date."

Text message from "Her😍"

Are you okay??
You seemed pissed earlier
I'm worried you might kill yourself or something
Crap he killed himself
Well if you don't come home soon
Everyone wants some Korean barbeque
Yugyeom texted me
He said that you're alive and at his dorm
Please come home
I'm really concerned for you
Ok I'll stop spamming you now

'This girl is just so...'

"Explain that emoji then."

"Alright, I love her."



You've been waiting for him for hours now. That couch probably has gotten used to your butt on it, and if you got up now, there could be a permanent butt print.

The door swung open and there was Jungkook standing in the doorway. You stood up, and went to hug him, to show him that you missed him. But he stepped back as soon as you lifted your arms to wrap them around him.

"I was worried and you don't even care." He didn't reply. "Jungkook you were out and I was worried sick about you and you couldn't ca-"

"Shut up." He continued to walk in the room.

"Shut up is all you could say to me?" You stopped him. "Is that it?" You turned him around so he could look at you in the eye, you needed to see if he was serious with you. "Jungkook I sat on that stupid couch for hours waiting for you and all you want to say is shut up!"

"Yeah, that's it."

"I can't fucking believe you." You started tearing up and into your room. "I don't know who you are, but tell me when the Jungkook I know and love is here." You closed your bedroom door behind you and dropped down on your bed.

"What happened?" Bella asked you.

"I don't know."

Okay so this was a short chapter, sorry, it was hard to write. Forgive me please and thank you.

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