Chapter 13

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It was the day you could actually, completely end the scary time of disagreement with Jungkook.

Today was the day you'll be going to the amusement park with the only two guys you've ever kissed.

You put this on, the most casual outfit you can find.

You put this on, the most casual outfit you can find

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**hairstyle**Quickly and happily, you made your way to Jungkook's door, the same door you're used to be slammed in your face, was now the very door you were knocking on to be the third wheel on your date

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Quickly and happily, you made your way to Jungkook's door, the same door you're used to be slammed in your face, was now the very door you were knocking on to be the third wheel on your date.

He opened it and looked you up and down. "I like the outfit."

"I like it too."

At the park, you rode rides with them, it seemed as if you were the only one enjoying it, but you ignored it and continued on.

At one point, you realized that Jungkook was only here to talk to Kai, your boyfriend, so you went off with the excuse of food to let them talk.


"Why'd you come to the date?" Kai asked me, starting the conversation.

At this point, we found a table to sit down at. I got the both of us frozen yogurt so the atmosphere wasn't too tense.

I just wanted to know if he was a good guy or not, so she wouldn't get false hope.

"I'm really concerned about her, I just don't want to see her hurt. You know?" I got some of the frozen yogurt in my mouth, and he just nodded as a reply. We both fell silent, so I asked him what I actually wanted to know. "What do you like about her?"


"You heard me."

He took a minute to answer, it seemed like he really had to think about it. Which I didn't get, since there were so many great aspects about her. I could spend all day talking about how adorable she is, and how easily flustered she gets, and how she's just magnetic. And so much more, and yet, Kai had to think about it.

"She's cute I guess."

"Any other reason?"

She wasn't just cute, she's fucking beautiful.

"No, not really."

And now, I wasn't mad for Y/N getting a date, I was mad at who she got that date with.

I wanted her to be happy, with the right person. And here was the complete opposite of that sitting in front of me, eating a frozen yogurt, questioning how cute one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen is.

I couldn't believe it.


Throughout the date, you got a bit scared. You weren't very sure if Jungkook was doing it again.

Since you left him alone, you and Kai had seemed to be by yourselves, and Jungkook just a blurry figure in the background.


After coming back from the amusement park, you went to the mall with your band mates.

Now, you were sitting, eating a cinnamon bun in the mall's food court with everyone else.

"You just didn't get much variety." Sojung was complaining to you about how inclusive you were with your clothes.

"I dress for comfort, not style."

"All you got were sweatshirts and jeans!"

"And crop tops too." You stuffed a huge bite of your cinnamon bun in your mouth, leaving some of the icing on the sides of your mouth. "And a few sweatpants, I really liked those."

"And those shoes she has a collection of." Bella put up a finger, which meant she remembered about your deep love of Vans.

"I like them."


You got home and passed out on your bed.

When you woke, it was dark outside and you realized that you forgot to clean up before falling asleep. As a result, you went to the bathroom and took a hot shower.

After that, nothing really happened but you putting on your clothes and sleeping again.


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