Chapter 27: First Date

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You woke up in another room.

Panicking, you quickly sat up and looked around where you were. Then, you realized you were in Jungkook's room. "Lay with me." He said with a raspy voice.

"We have to get up."

"But I don't want to get up." He said an arm around your waist. "I wanna do nasty stuff with you."

"You think I don't wanna do nasty stuff with you?" You turned to him. "I wanna do some things that can't be said out loud."

"Seriously baby?"

"But we have to practice." He groaned as a response, an obvious sign that he didn't want to go. You smirked and exited his room, going to yours.

"Before you come in." A hand reached out of the doorway, "Are you still a virgin?"


"Come in."

You walked in and saw Bella at the door, "But you aren't a virg-"

"Shh." She put her finger to you lips. "Go shower."


When you finished getting ready, you wore this.

You went to the kitchen to get some toast, then felt your shoulder feel heavier

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You went to the kitchen to get some toast, then felt your shoulder feel heavier. When you turned your head to the side, you saw Jungkook's head. "What are you doing?"

"Admiring your face."


"Cause you're so pretty."

You laughed and stuffed a piece of toast in his mouth. "Hm, butter." He stood up straight and took a bite of it. You made your way to the dining room table, where Namjoon and Seok-jin were. "Cute." Namjoon said, taking a bite of his breakfast.

"Cuter than me?" Seokjin asked.

"Nothing's cuter than you." Namjoon yapped the end of Seokjin's nose, making him smile.

"I think they're more of a couple than us." You whispered to Jungkook, causing him to laugh in agreement. "You're fucking their son, so be careful." He said.

"Ok, sure." You sat down across from Namjoon, who seemed to be completely distracted with Seokjin. When you finished your breakfast, you waited by the door, there wasn't much time you all had to leave anyway.

When everyone was ready, you all began walking to the practice rooms together. When you got there, Mr. Yoon has already arrived and was stretching on the floor, provocatively, in leggings. And once he got a glance of your boyfriend, he seemed to move into more provocative stretches.

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