Chapter 1*

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"Quirkless freak."
"Such a loser."
"Can't he do anything right?"
"Why is he even here?"
"He doesn't belong here."
"Stupid Deku."

I jolted awake as the voices echoed in my mind. I panted glancing around my room. Sweat beaded my brow and clung my messy bed head of green hair to my forehead.

I wiped it back from my face using the back of my hand with a heavy sigh. I plopped back against my pillows peeking out from behind my hand and stared at the All Might poster pinned to my ceiling.

"Maybe they are right. I am worthless. I don't deserve to go to UA." I spoke softly not willing to get up for school just yet.

I had obtained a quirk, and not just any quirk. I had All Might's power now. No one knew of course. I had to keep it a secret, but-

I can barely control it. It can break my bones if I use it incorrectly. Even just a little is enough to severely injure my hand.

I raised my arm high in the air and glanced at the long jagged scar along the side of my hand. A bone had cut through when it broke the first time I used the power.

I will never forget that pain. Pain. It's a good teacher.

Reluctantly I tossed the covers aside and left the comfort of my warm bed and padded down the hall to the kitchen where my mother was already setting the table for breakfast.

"Good morning Izuku baby. How did you sleep?" She asked smiling brightly.

"Okay." I yawned taking a seat. I thanked my mother for the meal before digging in.

I had vigorous training with All Might today and needed the extra calories to burn. I insisted on helping my mother clean the dishes before I dressed and went through my morning routine.

I kissed her cheek before I hurried out of the door and rode my bike to the beach where I would meet with All Might himself.

"Midoriya my boy, are you ready to get started?" He asked enthusiasticaly.

"I'm ready!" I raised my scarred fist in the air.


Hours later as the sun set over the horizon I fell to my knees in the sand panting. I gasped for air as the pain sliced through me like a knife.

I clenched my teeth and growled through the pain spreading through me like wildfire. My skin was illuminated. The pale freckled skin glowed it was so hot to the touch. Sparks and bolts flew from my body as I grit my teeth.

"Breathe through it boy. You have to be strong if you want this kind of power. There isn't room for weakness. Show any sign and it can kill you." All Might went on a rant about strength, and being the best of the best.

I'm sorry. I can't live up to your expectations.
I'm not good enough.

I felt my body begin to weaken.

No, I can't I'm so weak.

Gray spots clouded my vision. My ears rang. I could barely make out my own heart beat as my world grew dark. In the distance across the beach, I thought I saw a black cloud and piercing eyes.

"Your son is quirkless. He will never develope one."
"Is that possible?"
"Izuku, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry."
"You have to be strong boy."
"There isn't room for weakness."
"Do it again."
"Work through the pain."
"Do whatever it takes."
"You're weak."

Deku: Villain AU (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now