Chapter 3*

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Monday morning rolled around and just as Dabi said my arm was almost completely healed. I had stayed in bed all weekend.

I didn't sneak out again and try to train or anything like that. I also hadn't seen Dabi since he left.

I felt a strange pang in my chest at the thought of him.

He never officially called himself a villain, but I had a sneaking suspicion he was connected to them somehow.

How else would he know where I lived, and who I was and who I kept in my company.

Plus that moment he glared at All Might outside of the school was pretty weird. I wonder what their history is.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I sighed heavily.

"What's wrong Izuku, honey?" My mom asked as I swirled my spoon in my cereal.

"Nothing!" I spoke a little too excitedly.

"Eager to get back to school and see your friends?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I should get going." I murmured cleaning up my dishes.

I stepped into the hallway and hurried down the flight of stairs to find my bike in its usual place

But I left it at the- Dabi.

A warm feeling spread in my chest as I smiled. I scanned my surroundings for him, but there was no sign of him. Shrugging I swung my leg over my bike and made haste for school.

I didn't want to be late and annoy Aizawa.


I watched as the excited green fluff ball hurried to school. I snorted at how innocent he really was. He may be about to turn eighteen, but he seemed more childlike than ever.

If only you knew what kind of trouble you are blindly walking into.

I shoved my hands into my pockets as I followed him at my own leisurely pace.

I yawned stretching my arms as I walked along the line that separated the shadows from the sun.

I felt eyes on me and glanced around. I realized I was near that bastards office. I smirked to myself knowing I could still get in and out with no problem.

Dumbass should probably change the code.

It was then I spotted perfectly separated red and white hair. He was older and more fit now than the last time I had seen him. He was almost a man now.

I felt a twinge in my chest but chose to ignore it.


As if hearing my thoughts the boy turned. Our eyes met for a brief moment. He glanced back at the building and turned heading down the street catching up with Midoriya whom was only yards away.

Midoriya greeted him with a wide smile. His face brightened as Shouto approached.

I envy you Shouto.

I didn't even bother to look at the building again. I knew he was watching. Tossing my shoulders back I made my way toward the school.

I picked a tree across the street and took a seat. It was going to be a long boring day. I closed my eyes.

I was exhausted after all.

I waited for Midoriya to finally fall asleep before I headed back to the beach and returned his bike. After that I couldn't shake the thoughts I had of him.

Deku: Villain AU (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now