Chapter 2*

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I shoved my hands into the pockets of my dark jeans as I lingered in the shadows. My eyes lingered on the green fluff of hair as he spotted what had stopped me from taking him right there.

All Might.

The green fluff suddenly turned and headed down the street.

Hmm. I pursed my lips in curiosity.

After lingering just a moment longer I headed back to the lair where Shigaraki was waiting for me to return with an update.

"Back so soon? Did you see Midoriya??" Himiko asked eagerly sliding down the bar to sit next to where I was standing.

I rolled my eyes.

"That was the whole point of me going out. To watch him." I retorted dryly. Himiko pouted.

"Have you eaten or had anything to drink Dabi?" Kurogiri asked drying a glass behind the bar.

"Tch what are you my mother?" I clicked my teeth and slid off of my stool and pounded the side of my fist against a door three times.

"Someones cranky." Himiko murmured to Kurogiri. I flipped her off as I opened the door and closed it behind me.

"Did you see the boy? How has he progressed?" Shigaraki asked. He was leaning back in his chair with his feet propped up on his desk.

"The all mighty has fallen. The kid doesn't seem to trust him as much, and seems almost suspicious of him. He nearly killed the kid training on the beach. I almost intervened, but what he did was far more interesting." I scratched my purple chin.

Shigaraki placed his feet on the floor and leaned over the desk clearly interested.

"He blacked out from sheer exhaustion. Not surprising considering the labor and vigorous training he went through without a single break.

What happened after he blacked out kind of piqued my interest. He was trying to maintain control over his power. His skin was glowing and there was a green electric-like current around him.

When he blacked out his body released the power in order to protect itself and he nearly blew up the beach. The all high mighty had to fake a storm just so bystanders wouldn't see what was happening.

Of course he blamed it on a villain attack." I rolled my eyes.

"What of the boy? Midoriya?" Shigaraki asked.

"He seemed fine today. His arm was bandaged, but nothing serious. If his body hadn't released his power then he could have been killed. He still can't control it and it's getting stronger every day." I noted.

"We will have to make a move soon. Perhaps we can persuade the boy?" Shigaraki chuckled.

"I doubt it. He's too pure and innocent. All Might may treat him like a piece of shit but he's too kind to stand up for himself. " I cast my gaze aside realizing I had complimented him. Sort of.

"He has an interesting circle of friends don't you think?" Shigaraki raised a brow.

I clenched my hands into fists.

"I wouldn't know." I grit my teeth.

"Maybe you should." Shigaraki leaned back again smiling coyly. "Or I could send Himiko out for surveillance. " He glanced at his fingernails nonchalant.

"No." My voice lowered an octave. I could feel the familiar warmth of heat brewing inside of me like a steaming black cauldron.

"Didn't think so. Come back when All Might makes his final mistake. We will make our move then. It won't be long now." Shigaraki chuckled.

Deku: Villain AU (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now