A/N: This took me a while to write as I was watching The Office Finale during it, so I apologize. I had never seen it before and honestly, it made me cry. But anyway, Enjoy!
The next few days were rough for me. My Aunt wouldn't leave me alone, the first day I was uncontrollably crying. Well, to be honest, everyday I was crying. Just I got better at concealing my crying to my Aunt.
I woke up one morning, my eyes still sore and blood red. Rings around them from the tears. It's been a week which I guess is insane for me to still be like this but he was my best friend. And he told me that we cannot talk at all.
After brushing my teeth, I walked out of my room for breakfast. There was a note from my Aunt saying she was at work. Then I noticed the time. 1:13pm God, I really need to get out. I then heard a knock at my door. Dragging my feet over, I opened it to see the Losers club. Except Bill. Obviously not Bill.
"What is it?" I guess I said it more harshly then I meant to. "Well. We just... wanted to check on you. We haven't seen you in a little bit. You're not even at school." Ben was the one to speak up. "I'm fine. That all?" I began to close to the door. I understand they want to be nice but I'm really not in the mood.
Before the door closed, Mike put his hand on the door and stopped it. "Beverly. Please. Come out." They all looked at me with big eyes so I just sighed. "Fine. Let me shower first and I'll come out. Are you okay with being out there?" They all nodded and went to sit on the curb.
I started the shower but didn't undress. Just sitting on my toilet with a cigarette in my mouth. Maybe they'll leave if I take too long. Or actually maybe I should go out. I'm just doing nothing and it was Friday. So, why not?
I stepped into the shower feeling it's warmth running across my body. Covering every inch of me as I let it pour on my face. But it wasn't good enough. It didn't feel like the way Bill made me feel. NO! No thoughts of him.
After cleaning myself I got out and dried myself off, lighting another cigarette to calm myself down before coming outside. "Jesus Molly?! What took so long?!" Of course it was Richie but the old nickname couldn't stop me from smiling.
"Alright Richie. What fun stuff do you have planned for me today?" All their faces lit up and Stanley raised that finger he always does when he has an idea. "We could go to the bowling alley!" Everyone nodded in agreement and we hopped on our bikes with me on the back of Eddie's.
"So Stanley knows he's the worst at bowling right?" I asked Eddie as we rode. He snorted. "Of course he knows. He's trying to make you feel better!" He stopped himself at what he said. "Sorry. Just we miss you."
"No, no. It's fine. I know I've been gone."
Arriving at the bowling alley we all hopped off our bikes but the question was still burning in my mind. It was at the tip of my tongue as if trying to leap out of my mouth. There was nothing to stop it. But luckily I worded it a little differently. "Is this everyone that's coming?" They continued walking inside. "Bill's not coming..." Ben had mumbled it to me.
Mike had paid for me even though I told him it was fine, but truthfully. I forgot everything about money and I didn't have enough.
As we put on our shoes we began playing. It was just for fun, no points but I think I easily won. Richie and I was the only decent bowlers and I had beaten him multiple times. Cheering a bunch after another strike, Stanley high fived me. "Your queen awaits food!" I cried in the middle of the bowling alley.
We moved over to a table and a few people pulled seats up. We ordered 2 pizzas and began eating. Richie was always the quickest but his pizza kept falling apart. The cheese stretching when he took a bite or falling off the pizza. Eddie was the cleanest and occasionally you'd see him wipe Richie's mouth who'd pout and whine that he's 'ruining the fun.'
All of a sudden Richie threw a piece of his crust at Mike. That's when all hell broke lose. We all grabbed our scraps and started throwing it at each other.
I hit Ben in the chin and Stanley in the shoulder. Richie had hit me directly in the face and that's when the manager came over. "Hey! You kids need to leave now." I turned to face him, pizza cheese covering my face so I could barely see and pizza grease covering my clothes. "What seems to be the problem?" I said it in the most innocent way possible.
"You're throwing my food all over my bowling alley. Yelling and disturbing other guests! Now, sit while I call the police!" We all looked at each other. Police? Over kids having fun? No way! We all bolted for the door. Getting on our bikes and riding away. The closest I could get on was Mike's and he was the fastest (next to Bill...). No way I'm getting caught!
I could see Ben's face was saddened, most likely that I didn't get on his bike. There's nothing between us. Those types of feelings are one way. We made it away from the bowling alley. We were just riding randomly and noticed the street we were on. Neibolt. We could see the house. That dreaded house. In a silent agreement. No looks. Nothing. We pedaled away. We aren't reliving that time.
They dropped me off at my house and I waved them goodbye. "Want to hangout tomorrow?!" Their faces were the happiest I had ever seen. They all lit up with sheer excitement. God, I love these Losers. They all pedaled off with grins.
I can do this! All I need are my friends. They will get me through this. I don't need him. I don't need his kiss. I don't need his body. I don't need his love... I... I don't think I'm Over Him.

"Don't Give Up Just Yet...." (Bill x Beverly)
FanfictionWhen Beverly returns to Derry after 2 years, she is beyond excited to see her friends again. But most importantly, Bill. They had such a strong connection. But what happens when Bill has found someone else?