A/N: This is my explanation for this chapter. I decided that on Beverly's week off from Bill and her recovery with The Losers that Bill deserves a chapter. He may get more if I really like it but I wanted to let you all know, that's what's happening. This is Bill's chapter. Also the titled may throw you off so another explanation for you is that it's normally a line said by a character. So every chapter (except the first) is said in the chapter. Have fun!
I sat on my bike. Riding away from her. That girl. That girl who called herself a slut. How could I do this? To her. To her of all people. I knew why actually. I'm with Audra, of course. That's why. She's... great. Just great. She can lift me up when I'm feeling sad. She always makes me laugh. I love that smile. The way she gets those dimples and her... red hair... brown! I meant brown! C'mon Bill!
I stopped my bike. Sitting in the middle of the road. This isn't right. I should... fix things. I have to talk to her. She left. She left. She left. You moved on! Who can blame you for that? No one! Especially not her. You like Audra! You lo- I hit my fists against the handle bar. You like Audra. After reassuring myself, I continued on home.
Waking up one morning (the morning Beverly went out with the Losers), I got into the shower and thought about everything. Audra, The Losers, The Quarry, Beverly... The Dare. God! Why did I do that! I know I wanted it. But I'm with Audra. It was just a dare. Just a dare.
Stepping out of the shower, I wiped the steam off the mirror. You did this for her. I worked out so my body didn't look so skinny. I wasn't muscular but pretty toned. I was now stronger but, I wouldn't say muscular. You did this for her. My hair was longer. She liked it that way. I smiled but it didn't look real, I've seen it on myself for so long. You did this for her... Audra. You had to.
I dried off and stepped out of my room for breakfast. As soon as I sat down my dad got up and walked away to the living room. Ever since the Georgie incident and all my plans to get him back, he hasn't been the same towards me. Only really talking when he was angry or forced to by my mother. She was still nice to me.
My mom brought eggs with bacon and toast. "Hey sweetie. Are you seeing Audra today?" I nodded and she gave a weak smile. "You know. I saw something strange the other day. A red headed girl on a bike with all your friends. Is Beverly back?"
"Yeah. She's back." My mom just nodded and continued cleaning dishes. "Have you talked to her? You two were close." I set my fork down. "Yes m-mom. I hav-v-ve. But things are different. 2 years different. A lot has changed." She set the dishes down with a slam. Turning to me. "Of course, Bill. Orange Juice or Apple Juice?"
"S-suh-sorry mom. Apple j-juice please..." I finished my breakfast and began walking away.
Reaching the garage around 12, I got on my bike. Silver. Don't ever leave me, Silver. I rode to Audra's house and knocked on the door. Her parents greeted me. "Hey Bill! How are things?" I shook his hand and then her mothers. "Never b-buh-better. Couldn't be hap-p-puh-" I couldn't get the word out. Right when I think my stutter is getting better. "Don't worry about it, Bill. We understand." Her dad laid a hand on my shoulder. He started giving me a strange look. That's always it. 'We understand.' You don't. I need these words to get out. I'm not some freak
Audra then appeared, smiling right at me. We walked to Silver and even thought it wasn't even 10 feet, she grabbed my hand. Her parents closed the door. Watching us. Parents are always in everything. I got on Silver and she got on the back wrapping her arms around my waist. "Just you and me today right? No Losers Club plans?" I nodded and said "N-n-nope, none. But I t-thought you liked them?"
"I do. Just, Beverly. Little strange for me. Can't have a slut hanging around a hunk like you, Bill!" She laughed and I just started pedaling away. She's not a slut Audra. She's anything but that.
We stopped at the usual park. I leaned against a tree and she sat next to it. "What are you doing? We always sit." I started moving down. "R-ruh-right. S-s-sorry." She sighed and crossed her arms. "I thought you said that stupid stutter of yours was getting better?" I just looked down. "I kn-now. I'm t-trying." She put her arm on my shoulder and we laid like that for a while. Like we always do.
"I'm kind of feeling it today, Billy." There it is. She called me Billy. There were very few people that could. Georgie, my mom and... Anyways I spoke up about it. "I said n-not to call m-muh-me that." She looked at me. Already angry. "I'll stop when the stutter goes away. And I said I was in the mood. Don't you want to make out?"
"Not today Audra. I'm not okay with it." She leaned in anyway. But I put my hand over her mouth. "L-luh-look I said I wasn't f-feeling it. Maybe I should take you home. I'm not feeling good. F-f-fever or something." I stood up and she stubbornly followed. Getting on the back. I stopped in front of her house and letting her off. "Tomorrow? Okay? Feel better, baby." She leaned in again, but I turned my head. "Goodnight Audra. Yeah tomorrow." I began pedaling off. Leaving her there. It felt good.
On my way home, I realized I was lost in thought and not even on my street. I stopped and looked around and noticed a house. I knew who moved here. Beverly...

"Don't Give Up Just Yet...." (Bill x Beverly)
FanfictionWhen Beverly returns to Derry after 2 years, she is beyond excited to see her friends again. But most importantly, Bill. They had such a strong connection. But what happens when Bill has found someone else?