He's Back

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Well, well, well. Here we are. Another chapter to add to this glorious story. I've been reading your comments and thank you all for wanting me to continue. My senior year has been hectic and i'm sorry. Even now with school ending in 2 weeks, i don't know if i'm going to graduate. But i hope you all enjoy a new chapter to an old story :)

It was cold. Always so cold when they weren't here. It was like an emptiness. Nothing. Just darkness surrounding every thought and as Bill woke up he remembered why. Beverly still wasn't back. The spot in his bed was empty.
Laying a hand where she once slept he got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. Not even a phone call from her in the past 2 days. He wondered what he should do as he stepped into the hot shower and let the water run down him but even then, his body still felt cold.
Just then his phone rang from downstairs, wrapping a towel around himself, he ran down his steps and answered quickly, "Beverly?!" He yelled into the phone and he was only greeted by the voice of Richie. "No man, I'm sorry. You still haven't heard from her?" Bill's heart sank and he leaned against the wall. "No. Has anyone seen her?" He knew the answer, it was the same as always and Richie didn't even need to say anything. "Really, Bill, I'm sorry. But we're meeting at the quarry today if you want to come."
Bill thought for a second but knew he should probably check on Beverly as soon as possible. As if it was the only thing he could do. "No Richie. I'm going to find her. I know I can do it."
"Do you need us?" Richie's voice cracked a little and Bill wondered if something was wrong. Or if he was hiding something. "No i think i'm okay, thanks."
"Bill. I want to help." His voice was low, almost pleading. "Alright. Meet me at my house." After hanging up, Bill scratched his head slightly, why would he want so badly to find Beverly? And with that, Bill went upstairs to change.
A knock came from Bill's front door and it was immediately swung open and Bill walked out. "We should check her house first, I guess." Richie nodded and picked up his bike as Bill did the same. "Thank you, Richie. I appreciate you coming to help me." Bill eyed him for his response but it never came, he just nodded. Something was off. But it could wait.
They pedaled down the street and finally came across their destination. It was Beverly's home. Slowly Bill got off his bike and Richie followed hi closely. They moved up to the door where Bill raised his fist and looked at Richie before knocking a few times. The door opened to reveal something truly terrifying.
You could smell the alcohol off his breath and his clothes were lazily put together as if he'd been wearing it for days.
"What is it? Oh... you're the stuttery boy." A twitch at his mouth was picked up by both boys as they took a step back in horror. It couldn't be Beverly's father. Not again. Bill understood fully what happened now. "Please... sir. We were wondering if we could talk to Beverly." He roared a laugh and the door shut with a loud slam.
Bill felt anger boiling up inside and before he could knock again, Richie attacked the door, smashing his fists against it and kicking, "Let her go, asshole!" When he grew tired, he put his back against it and slid to the ground. Bill watched the whole time when it finally clicked. He ran a hand through his hair. "Richie... I've got it from here. Go on home."
Richie jumped right up. "You've got it from here? What are you going to do?" Bill had no clue what he was going to do. But he didn't want Richie here. "I've just... I've got a plan. I'm okay, you can go." Richie eyed him, "I want her back too, you know."
"Why's that? Why do you want her back?" Bill could feel a tinge of jealousy shoot through his veins. But Richie grew angry. "She's my friend, Bill. Always has been, it's not like you claimed her first." He spat. "She's my girlfriend, Richie. We kind of claimed eachother. But really, I've got it." And that hit Richie hard. "What if she doesn't want you? What if she confessed to a close friend that there was some doubt about you?"
Bill clenched his fists. He wasn't going to stand for this. "Richie. Go. Home." They stared at eachother and Bill took a step forward, looking down at Richie.
"I think she made up her mind when she talked to me, Bill." Bill's hand moved faster than his thoughts as he grabbed Richie by the collar of his shirt and brought him close. "Richie, I will ask her myself when I get her out. You, however, are not going to be here when I do." Bill could feel himself breaking. "She'd run to me anyway." Richie said under his breath but they were so close that it was all heard. Bill felt something colliding with his other hand and realized it was Richie's face as he punched him and he fell to the ground. "Richie, I..." Richie scrambled to his feet. "Seems to me like you got things you've got to work out before you get her. Maybe i'll just have to free her first." Bill knew he had anger issues but never before had he felt so out of control. What has he done? He fell to his knees and hands and looked out as Richie got on his bike and rode away.

"Don't Give Up Just Yet...." (Bill x Beverly)Where stories live. Discover now