I wake up to pounding on my door. My mom's gone on Saturdays for work and my dad always wakes me up a little bit before he goes to work. "Bill! Get the hell up. Now!" I get up quickly and open the door. "S-s-sorry dad. I w-w-was really tired."
"Bill. Every time. I keep telling you. I didn't ask! Look, you're taking Audra out today. On a date! I need you to treat her nicely because I'm going to talk to her father about me raising the prices."
There it is again. The reason I haven't left Audra. Other than the fact that I like her. Obviously. My father sells paper to her dad at his company. (I'm sorry. I posted a bit ago that I watched the season finale of the Office and now it's in my mind. So just go with it)
I just nodded and he grunted to walk back to his room and get ready for work. I went downstairs and rang up Audra's house. While it was ringing, It was tempting to hang up right there and then. Why would I do that? A date with my loving girlfriend is great. She's great.
"Hello?" Her voice was heard on the other line. "Hey Audra. It's B-buh-bill. I was w-wuh-wondering if you wuh-wanted to go on a date tonight. Like, R-r-romelo's Pizza Place?" It was silent for a few seconds. "That's a little cheap. How about 'Nantucket?' (This is a real restaurant where I'm staying right now. It's a little fancy) "I... uh. Y-yeah of c-course."
"Great. Get me at 5." She hung up. "Yeah. N-no problem..." I put the phone down. Heading up to my room and looking through my drawer. I counted my money and barely had enough. I was trying to save up. It's worth a shot.
Catching my dad on his way out, "H-hey, dad. Aud-d-dra wanted to g-guh-go to Nant-tucket. I don't really have the money." He turned slowly. The lump in my throat growing. "Find it yourself." Not too bad. He then pushed me to the ground. The wind getting knocked out of me.
The door slammed shut and I clutched my side. "T-t-thanks." I went up to my room and laid down on my bed. I'll just close my eyes for a bit before the date.
Waking up at 4pm scared the crap out of me. Rushing up, I jumped into the shower. Quickly washing myself and drying off. I got dressed in a black button up and blue jeans with black sneakers with white soles. I rolled the sleeves of my shirt up and sprayed a bit of cologne.
Grabbing all my money, hoping it was enough, I ran out the door at 4:45. Getting onto Silver. I biked over to Audra's house and knocked on the door. Again, greeting her parents and seeing her in a very formal dress. She sat sideways on the side of my bike. She hugged me tightly. But it just felt like hands.
Arriving at Nantucket, I asked for 2 seats and I pushed her chair in for her. "Puh-pretty nice, r-righ-right?" I said as I took a drink of water. "You could look a tiny bit better." I looked at my clothes. I thought I looked kind of nice. "You're right, s-s-sorry." She was looking at the menu and so was I. I knew she'd pick something expensive. She had that kind of taste. So I went with the cheapest. Some sort kf nasty soup. The waiter came and she ordered a very exquisite steak and I ordered my soup. The waiter paused and asked, "Are you sure, sir?" I just nodded. Embarrassed by the lack of money. I should still have some left over with my order. "Audra... y-you l-l-look beaut-t-tiful." She blushed lightly. "Always so sweet, Billy."
I held it in. The urge to correct her. My foot lightly started tapping against the floor to calm myself down. My fingers digging into my leg. "Bill, stop that. People are staring. I looked around and noticed no one looking. Dramatic as ever, Audra. I just gave her my famous smile and apologized.
"Bill, after dinner, would you like to come back to my place?" I turned as white as a ghost. There's no way I have time for that. My dad would freak. But i'm supposed to show her a good time. Which would he freak out more about? I took what I thought was the safer route. "I'm sorry. My parents want me home after this." She just crossed her arms as I took another drink. Feeling the room get hotter and smaller.
The rest of the date was as awkward as it started and he got ready to take her home. Seeing the hefty check but paying. "Always with all the money, Billy." I clenched my fists and calmed down.
We hopped on my bike and took her home. She stepped off and when she kissed me I turned and she pecked my cheek. "Bill!" She was obviously angry. "I still might be sick Audra. Sorry." She understood after a lot of talking.
I rode through the streets. Regret running through my mind. How could I do this to her?! I need to make things right. Just. How? How could that even work?
I stopped in front of my house and looked at my watch. 7:04 I sort of made it... but... no... I have to talk to her. She can't be mad at me.
I whirled Silver around and began full speed. I've never pedaled faster in my life. This can't go wrong. Too much is riding on this. Talking to her is the only way this will fix.
There I was. Outside her house. I walked up, running my hand along her fence. I did treat her badly. She might understand. I explained some of it to her. She won't. It wasn't enough. But it's not my choice who I can be with... I knocked on the door and I heard footsteps. My face heated up. I had to o this. The door flew open and there she was. The red haired beauty. "Hey Beverly."A/N: Who were you thinking of when Bill was going to Beverly's house? I wanted to make it seem like he was going to Audra's but I think it was obvious.

"Don't Give Up Just Yet...." (Bill x Beverly)
FanfictionWhen Beverly returns to Derry after 2 years, she is beyond excited to see her friends again. But most importantly, Bill. They had such a strong connection. But what happens when Bill has found someone else?