Chapter 1 The Truth

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It all starts when Mari arrives to school...

[Mari's POV]

I arrived at school and i notice Alya talking to Nino and A-Adrien. I walked over not knowing she was gonna flip out about something i had no idea about.

[No ones POV]

Did you hear? Alya said shaking Mari when she first saw her. Hear about what? Mari asked confused. We are going on a huge field trip for like 4 months and all of our parents agreed to it. Alya screamed. Alya then whispered to Mari "oh and guess who is coming too...Adrien.

[Mari's POV]

When i heard Alya say that my face turned blood red and she started to die laughing. Hey that's not funny i said. Oh yeah it was, Alya said back still dying from laughter.

[Mari got a phone call]

Mari: Hello MaMa
Sabine: Hi dear after you find out about the field trip call me back ok?
Mari: Ok mom
Sabine: Ok bye dear love you
Mari: bye love you too mom

[Phone Call Ended]

Who was that? Alya said. Oh it was my mom she told me to call her after i find out info from the trip before she tells me something i guess. I said really confused. Hey Mari! Adrien said excitedly. H-hey A-adrien! Mari said stuttering. Hey dudettes! Nino said right after. Hey! Alya and Mari said in unison.

[Bell rings for class]

Lets get to class, Alya said. All four of them walked in the classroom. Miss.Bustier was so happy for some odd reason today. Ok so you are gonna be put in groups of 4 for our 4 month field trip. Where are we going? Alya said excitedly. We are going to China!! Miss.Bustier said excitedly. Cool we can go to your house Mari, Alya said seeming to be really happy. Maybe.. , Mari said back. I called my mom.

[Phone Call]

Mari: Ok so we are going to China??
Sabine: Yes and if you want you can tell your friends that you are the princess and you teacher only.
Mari: Ok
Sabine: ok bye honey
Mari: bye mom

[Phone Call Ended]

Um.. Alya,Nino,and A-Adrien can i speak to you guys in private please after school.. Yeah.... , the three of them said.

[After School]

Guys i need you to come to my house so my parents can tell you well explain to you a secret. Mari said. Ok we will come but why can't you tell us now? Alya said. Because you won't believe me and i need you to hear it from my parents, Mari said. Oh ok , the 3 of her best friends and crush said.

[At Mari's House]

Welcome home honey, how was school and how did they react when you told them? Sabine Asked. Mom i didn't tell them yet they came for you and dad to tell them. Oh ok honey, Sabine said.

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