Chapter 7 A Bun In The Oven

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Marinette and Adrien have been trying to have a baby for awhile now so Marinette took a pregnancy test.

She didnt know why but she was nervous.

She had a good feeling she was pregnant because she hasnt had her period and she has weir cravings plus she is very emotional.

She was so impatient but she had to wait a couple minutes since she just peed on it. Adrien doesnt know about her using a pregnancy test he is at work and will get off in about an hour and 30 minutes.

But the first person she would tell is Alya and Nino since he wasnt home.
Then she will surprise him by putting a bun in the oven if she was pregnant.

She went to look to see the results.

[She called Alya and Nino]

Mari: Hey Alya come over NOW please.

Alya: Ok? Is everything ok?

Mari: yes and bring Nino

Alya: ok

[Alya and Nino arrived]

Guys....i-im pregnant!! Mari said happily.
Im gonna be a aunt!! Alya said.
Im gonna be a uncle!! Nino said.
Yep you guys are. Mari said.
Dont tell Adrien i am gonna surprise him ok? Mari said.
Yes but can we stay to watch his reaction? They said.
Sure im gonna put a bun in the oven and ask him to check whats in the oven and see what he does. Mari explained.

Aww thats so cute, Alya and Nino said.

~ 1 hour later ~

Honey Im home where are you? Adrien said.
In the kitchen, Mari replied.
He walked in and saw Alya and Nino.
Hey guys, Adrien said.
Hey, Alya said.
Sup dude, Nino replied.

Adrien walked up behind Mari and hugged her.
Hey kitty? Mari asked.
Yeah? Adrien replied.

Will you check the oven? Mari asked.
With a huge smirk on her face.
Yes Princess, he then headed to the oven.
While he was opening it Mari came behind him holding the test.
Huh? There is only a bun in the oven? Adrien said confused.

He then stood up and looked at his wife in complete shock.

I-im pregnant Adrien!!
He didnt say anything he ran up to his wife and started hugging her and kissing her forehead.

Then he looked at Alya and Nino and started crying with tears of joy.

Mari came up and kissed him.

Mari came up and kissed him

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~ 7 months later ~

She is now 8 months pregnant.

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