Chapter 4 The Palace

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Mari and Adrien had no idea about the camera Alya set up in the closet.
Until Alya came and said oops my bad before their time was up. Are their anymore? Adrien said annoyed.
No there isn't. Alya said.
I have to tell you something Adrien promise not to laugh or get upset ok?, Mari said concerned. Ok but is it about our relationship?, Adrien said scared for what she has to tell him. No it doesn't, Mari said as Adrien took a huge breath and relaxed. I-i a-am Ladybug, Mari said as Adrien quickly tackled her and pulled her into a huge hug. A-are you d-d-disappointed?, Mari said and right after she said that Adrien kissing her on her lips.

Mari I have something to tell you but please dont get mad at me, Adrien said red as a tomato. I promise I won't, Mari said as the blonde boy let out a huge sigh. I-i am Chat are you mad at- , he was cut off my a pair of lips hitting his. No why would i be, Mari said and soon after Adrien had a huge smirk on his face.

[Time skip to them getting in the PJ's]

Mari wore this:

Alya wore this:

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Alya wore this:

We look fabulous girl!, Alya said hugging me

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We look fabulous girl!, Alya said hugging me.
Well goodnight, Alya see you soon.
Night princess lol jk Night Mari, Alya said sarcastically.

[Mari woke up in the middle of the night to find Adrien]
[Since they shared a room]

She walked into the lounge and found him and nino watching a movie.

Mari: Hey guys
Nino: Hey Dudette
Adrien: Hey princess
[Mari laughs after she heard Adrien]

[Mari looks at Adrien and Alya looks at Nino]

Hey Adrien you gonna come sleep with me, Mari said with a seductive look while biting her lip.

[Mari turned around and went back to the room while Adrien sprinted behind her]

Alya did the same to Nino but only Nino fainted.

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