Chapter 3 Getting ready for the trip

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Ok so here is the plan Mari said.

We are gonna get picked up in one of our limos and dropped off at the airport and Miss.Bustier knows about this so we wont get in trouble. Then we will be riding to China in my private jet us and Miss.Bustier will be in the private lounge on the jet and we will be in a 2 bedroom hotel suite. Got it and you cant tell anyone and when we get in the lounge on the jet i will tell you our plans so go home get packed and i will come get you in my limo ok?

Her friends were speechless and said ok and promise we wont tell anyone.
Ok good, Mari said.

[Everyone left to pack]

[Time Skip To The day they leave for China]

Mari Wake Up!! Tikki said. Huh? Mari said Im up. Ok good now pack, Tikki said. Oh yeah, Mari packed up and got dressed.

[This Is What She was wearing]

[This Is What She was wearing]

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[She picked up Adrien first]

He looked at her in Awe. I-is there s-something wrong? Mari asked. N-no im just admiring my girlfriend. Adrien said with huge smirk on his face.

[Next she picked up Alya and Nino they were both at Alyas house]

You look amazing girl! Alya told her bestie.

[They arrived at the airport with their luggage]

Would you like me to handle your guys luggage Princess? Maris driver said. Yes please, Nate.
You guys ready? Mari asked her friends.
Alya: yeah im so excited!!
Adrien: Same
Nino: Same for me too

Thats good to hear you guys, Mari said.

[Everyone saw the jet]

Woah, Maris best friends said in Awe

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Woah, Maris best friends said in Awe.
Ok lets go to the lounge, Mari said.
Why should you go to the lounge Maritrash? Chloe said.
Who are you calling trash? Adrien and Alya said in Unison.
Um Mari thats why i said Maritrash? Chloe said confused.
DO NOT CALL HER TRASH CHLOE! Adrien screamed at her.
But Adrikins, she said.
Im not your Adrikins so stop calling me that and i have a girlfriend.
WHAT WHO?!?! Chloe barked.
Marinette im dating the love of my life and if you screw this up for me i will make your life Miserable do i make myself clear? Adrien said to Chloe.
Y-y-yes Adrien. Chloe said scared for her life.
[Chloe left and went home before boarding the plane]
Mari came over and surprised Adrien by pulling him into a tight hug and kissing him passionately.
Thanks Princess Adrien said as he winked at her and turned blood red from blushing.
All Mari could do is laugh.

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