Chapter 8

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Mari was at home working on her laptop for her website since she had to rest since she was 8 months pregnant.
Adrien was in the kitchen making them something to eat.
Marinette started to feel pain and then she felt something wet coming down her leg she then realised what was happening.
She then screamed ADRIEN!!
He ran so fast that if it was raining a drip couldn't touch him.
Yes? M'lady. He asked.


Adrien helped her out to the car and they drove to the hospital.

They decided that they werent gonna find out the gender till their baby comes.
So it would be a surprise

The doctor got Marinette calmed down and told her to push until the baby came out.

Mari was crying.
Her and Adrien watched them wrap the baby in a pink blanket and said congratulations on your baby girl.

Marinette started crying tears of joy and Alya, Nino, Her parents and everyone from high school besides Chloe and Lila and Nathaniel.

And to a surprise Adriens dad actually came.
Adrien saw his dad come in and he was in shock.
His dad looked over at him and said i finally got grand babies.

Adrien looked up and saw him smiling and Adrien almost fainted.

~ 5 years later ~

They continued to fight akumas until they had a baby boy after they had their beautiful baby girl named Emma.
They named him Louis he was now 2 years old while Emma was 5.

They were at Maris parents house.
Then Mari and Adrien found out they got new partners.
They all revealed their identities.
Rena Rouge was Alya.
A new turtle dude was Nino.
Ladybug was obviously Marinette.
Cat/Chat Noir was obviously Adrien.

Master Fu told them they are the new miraculous gang.
He explained Hawkmoth has gotten a lot stronger.
Then the next day all of Hawkmoths butterflies shaped his face and his lips moved so you can tell what he was saying.

He said that he was tired of fighting how he has been by akumatizing  people because he hasn't won yet.

But little did they know that Hawkmoth knew Alya and Maris identities.

Sorry for the short chapter but i needed to leave a cliffhanger.

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