Chapter 10 Final Battle

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[Call Ended]

It was settled they would meet Hawkmoth at the Eiffle Tower.

Adrien explained everything to Nino.
They went to the Eiffle Tower.
Hawkmoth want there.
Nathaniel was though but they didnt know he was.

He came behind Nino and Adrien and drugged them like he did to Mari and brought them where Alya and Mari were.

Adrien woke up to see Alya badly injured.
And then his heart got crushed into over a million pieces in one glance he saw his wife knocked out on the ground with her clothes tore and they were blood stained. There was also dried blood on her chapped lips.

He then saw that he had been beaten and could barely get up so was Nino.
And he then saw that him and Nino had their miraculouses but the girls didnt have theirs.

Then Hawkmoth came and stood in the middle of the room with Nathaniel.
Him and Nino were still in their superhero form and Hawkmoth looked over at Cat Noir and said Hi Son.

Hawkmoth: yes you are *detransforms*
Adrien: looked up and got really mad.

Nino then stood up and Adrien tried to then used his baton to help him get up.

Adrien: I cant believe you would do this to your own daughter-in-law.
Hawkmoth: *smirks*
Adrien: *Looks at Nino*
You may be my father but all the crap you put innocent people through and especially me in my teenage years after mom passed and all the crap that you did now i cant even call you my father you dont deserve to be called dad or father by anyone.

Hawkmoth: I have gave you a amazing life you spoiled brat.

Adrien: No you didnt the closest thing i have to a parent is Natalie.

Hawkmoth: Oh and i have done worse.

Adrien: what do you mean?

Hawkmoth: bring him in Nathaniel.

[Nathaniel threw a motionless crippled old mans body on the floor]

Adrien: I-Is T-That-

Hawkmoth: yes it is Master Fu

Adrien: why he did nothing to you

Hawkmoth: you're right but he has all of the miraculouses so i slowly killed him to get them.

Mari woke up and she was really confused.
She saw Adrien and Nino as their superhero selfs.
And then she saw Hawkmoth coming towards her.

Hawkmoth: Hey Chat look at your useless joke that you married.

Adrien: looks over to Marinette and realised that she woke up.
Hawkmoth walked over and slapped her across her face.

Adrien then got mad and Nathaniel went after him and Marinette saw her earrings fall out of Nathaniels pocket after he fell from Adrien tackling him.

She scooted over and put them on tikki then got her untied and then she transformed.
Everyone staring at her and Haekmoth got mad.

[ Mari ran to Hawkmoth and put him in a headlock and took off his miraculous.]

Marinette: M-Mr.Agreste?
Adrien got upset when she found out.

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