I can hear them
Feel them
Beating on my chest
Trying to get in
Trying to reach my heart and lungs.Everyday
I hold them back
Using all my strength
Trying to ignore their posing words
Desperately fighting back
Not letting them mess about with my heart and lungs.But a lot of the time I can't
A lot of the time they beat me down
Prance around in my chest in victory
As I lay there exhausted and defeated
Everything dark only they remain
Glowing their sickening glow of blue and red
Tearing at my heart and lungs gleefully
Finally having the meal they desire.I get up weakly no strength left
Ready to leave ready for the end.
I can't it just not right
Something inside me burning
I yell
I'm screaming and crying for them to leave
With what ever I have left
I fight and fight
Until they leave
Saying "you can never rid of us"
"We will always come back with out fail"I'll never get to rest
I'll be at war forever it seems.

A shitty Artist with a shitty head, writing shitty poems
PoetryJust as the title says.