chapter 3 dont you hate growing fangs

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The next morning lincoln came downstair in his black pajamas.

He entered the kitchen where the family was eating breakfast. Lincoln went over to the cabinet opening it taking out glass cup.

He poured himself a glass of orange juice. “Morning lincoln” said leni “morning leni” lincoln replied. He walked out of the kitchen siping his glass of juice .

“oh man what am i gonna do next week the count said it will

hurt he said not to go to the dentist,MY MOMS A DENTIST”

Lincoln thought to himself.

Luna came in to check on him.

“Sup bro you okay” she asked.

“uh yeah im  fine why you ask” he asked. “Well because you been acting strange since you came back from the hospital” luna replied. “What you mean”.

“Well you been in your room a lot,you don't talk to your buddy clyde any more and yesterday lucy told us when she ask you if you want to watch tv you started to sob” luna told lincoln with a worried face. Lincoln didn't want to lie or make up something but what choice did he have. “Well luna im 14 soon to be 15 i kinda wanna be by myself” answered lincoln.

Luna narrowed her eyes she felt something was up. “No bro you been up in your room in the dark like your count dracula” she remarked. “YOU THINK ITS A JOKE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S GONNA BE LIKE” shouted lincoln. Luna was taken back by this “What you me what it's gonna be like” asked luna.

He realised what he blurted out lincoln quickly tried to cover it up.

“Uh you don't know what it gonna be like as a growing teenage boy”

Lincoln laughed nervously. “Oh okay dude” luna said with suspicion. He then quickly retreated upstairs. Lynn walked in the room stood next to luna.

“What's wrong with lincoln” lynn asked luna. “i don't know sis i don't know” luna utterd.  Tuesday morning came around. Lincoln was still sleeping in his bed when his sister came bursting into the door. They all had smile on their faces they shouted “HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINCOLN”. The black haired boy jumped awake falling out of his bed. “What” asked lincoln who wasn't fully awake yet. “Come on silly today's your birthday” giggled lola. Lincoln's eyes widen. “Wait today my birthday oh my god” he said to himself. He push through his sisters who were crowded in his doorway. Lincoln ran into the  bathroom immediately shutting the door behind him. He went over to the mirror opening his mouth to see his canine teeth slowly growing and getting sharper. “no no no no” lincoln said to himself. Lincoln heard a knock at the door “Lincoln get dressed i'm taking you to see ronnie anne for your birthday present” lori said through the door. “Oh no how am i gonna explain my accent and growing fangs to my girlfriend” lincoln panicked. He moan and said “where's the count when you need him”.

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