chapter 10 coming out of the casket

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Lynn was in the kitchen talking to luan.

Lynn: Hey lincoln is going to do a trick. He going to do a vampire trick.

Luan:okay the great what do i need to do?

Lynn: first  i want you to show him a mirror next put a  cross on forehead then give him garlic and finally tell him this joke how does vlad say retract, he says re drac.

Luan:Okay where you find that joke  lynn.

Lynn: oh i read it in a book.

Luan:So when are we doing this

Lynn: in 10 minutes

Luan:I can't wait.

Back up stairs Lincoln went to luna and luan’s room. Luna was on her bed playing her guitar.


Luna:hey bro what you need.

Lincoln: i  have you ever heard of bela lugosi dead by Bauhaus.

Luna: um yeah  its weird and spooky song. Why you bring that up.

Lincoln:Listen to the lyrics they will all make sense later.

At that moment luan yelled from down stairs.


Lincoln gave a short chuckle.

Lincoln:Well my time is short.

The loud sibling assembled into the living room they all sat down on the couch. Luan  got up in front of everyone.had a plastic bag with stuff in it.

Luan:ladies and gentlemen tonight performance will be one of mystery and amazement. First i will need a volunteer,how about Lincoln.

Lincoln eyes widen. He look over to lynn she had a sadistic look of satisfaction. He next got up and stand next to luan. She then went into the kitchen. Luan enter back into the living room with a mirror.  

Luan:Hey linc wanna see something funny.

Lincoln:(Nervously) ah sure.

Luan lifted the mirror up to Lincoln. The family gasp to discover Lincoln didn't have a reflection. He immediately knocked the mirror out of her hands.

Lincoln: Im sorry i thought i saw  a bug.

The rest of them look at him dumbfounded.

Luan:Ok next trick.

Luan reached into her pocket and pulled out a cross.

Lincoln heart dropped,his eyes widen.

Luan:for my next trick i will put a cross on forehead.

She next took the cross placing it in the middle of his forehead. It began to burn smoke started to come from his flesh. Lincoln let a scream in pain. He pushed luan knocking her to the floor. The cross left a burn mark on him.

“Oh my god” said a shocked rita loud.  Luan got up from the ground she took something out of the bag she threw it at lincoln.

He look down to see it was garlic.

“Oh my god” he uttered running into the kitchen,next he   vomit into the trash. At this moment the loud family including luan was left speechless. Lynn had a smile on her face. Lincoln enter back in the room, a nervous luan began to finish up her magic show.

Luan:my final performance i will do a joke. So lincoln  how does vlad say retract.

The boy just stood there stunned

He realised if he say what he thought she meant his fangs will be revealed. Lincoln turn to face his family. He saw Lincoln quietly giggle he thought back to her convincing the others he was bad luck. He also remembered how she was the one that made them think he was smoking pot.

Lincoln was soon overcome with anger. He turn to luan with a evil smile  and said.

Lincoln:It simple he says re drac.

Lincoln's fangs quickly shot out of his gums. His pupils turn red.

The boy hissed at his family making them jump in fear. Lincoln in a blink of a eye grab lynn up and pushed her up against the wall.

Lincoln: Lynn i'm so tired of you making me a bad guy. I forgiven you for the bad luck thing and even tricking mom into thinking i do drugs this time i can't forgive you.

Lynn heart raced and  her eyes widen with fear.

Lynn:What are you saying Lincoln.

Lincoln:I don't see you as my sister no more i see you as only food.

He open his mouth revealing his fangs,Lincoln got closer to her neck. From out of nowhere he was hit in the back of the head by frying pan by leni.Lincoln collapsed to the floor unconscious.  Lynn slide down the wall on to the floor.

Rita:What happened to my little boy.

Lynn sr: i take Lincoln to his room your girls go up stairs.

The loud sisters went up to their rooms. luna laid down on her bed.  To to understand what happened with Lincoln. She immediately remembered the song lincoln told her to pay attention to. Luna began to sing the first verse.

Luna:bela lugosi's dead the bats

Have left the bell tower the victims  have been bled red velvet lines the black boxes.

Luna stop singing as she became aware of something.

Every song she hears she do research on it. Luna remember what the song is about.


Luna blurted out.

Luan:Whos that luna.

Luna:He was the actor that played count Dracula in the 1931 film Dracula.

Luna:I can't believe my little bro is just like the lyrics in the song.


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