chapter 1 long time no see

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It seem like a new  morning in royalwoods, the sun rose like every morning and kids woke up to go to school. But at 1216 Franklin Avenue was a house much different from the others.

Who lived there was a couple.

Rita loud and lynn loud sr living in their house was their 10 daughters and their only son lincoln. But lincoln was different compared to his sisters not only he was a boy but lack the physical characteristics of his parents. His mother's hair was blonde and his fathers was brown. Half of his sisters got brown hair while the other half head blonde but  lincoln had a snow white hair. Lincoln sisters were talented unlike him. The boy only had a few friends including one that was his closeist was a african american boy by the name of clyde mcbride. In lincoln’s room his alarm clock went off lincoln moaned as he stretched out his hand from his cover trying to shut his alarm off. The boy managed to shut his alarm off the 14 year old got out of bed but today will be different. He  open his door walking out in a similar

mannerism of a zombie. Lincoln entered the bathroom, next he turned on the sink. He turn the hot water on then he ran his hands underneath the running water. Lincoln splashes the scalding hot water on to his face.

The boy gave out a quiet scream

Realizing the water was to hot.

He quickly turn of the faucet.  Lincoln began to get dressed he wore his usual style of clothing.

A orange polo shirt and jeans. A minute later white hair boy exit the bathroom. Lincoln went down stair throwing his  pajamas in the laundry room. This morning lincoln decides to skip breakfast, he grab his backpack then walked out the front door. As he walked to school he turned to face the audience “hey it me lincoln loud geez i haven't talk to you guys in two years ha sorry about that, let just say puberty kept me busy” lincoln explained. He continued on explaining his situation. “ lately i been thinking, i have no talent, i don't look like either of my parents and i only have a few friends. I just keep thinking what am i in life”. Lincoln walked to the bus stop when he got there he noticed a girl  that he knew her name was renee.

At that moment lincoln stop dead in his tracks. He took a minute to remember that last time they encounter each other him and her fought over a ace savvy comic, which ended with him getting punched in the face.

Lincoln to notice of her appearance she has changed from the last time he saw her.

Renee didn't have brown hair anymore. Her hair was dyed black, renee was dressed in all black from her head down to her feet. The girl look over seeing lincoln staring at her. “Lincoln loud” renee asked, lincoln began to sweat, palm began to shake.

Her new look scared him “Y-yes im loud lincoln i mean lincoln loud” he nervously answered.

“I haven't seen  you in two years

how you been” renee asked with a smile. Lincoln was shocked by this he thought she hated him after the whole comic book incident.  “Um i been good renee, um quick question why are you dressed like that” he asked her. “Oh this i like the look i'm in a subculture  involving stuff like the marcab”. “ Oh really replied lincoln, “yeah we need new members of our group you wanna join” renee asked. “ sure what do you guys do? “Well loud we listen to music like bauhaus,joy division, voltaire, We read poems and some edgar allen poe. And at times we like to hangout at the cemetery”. Lincoln began to kinda feel uncomfortable because this is stuff lucy would do but then he thought maybe it's a sign. “ Tell me more” he asked the bus pulled up the two got on. Lincoln sat beside the window and renee sat right next to him. The bus began to move  lincoln look over to her and asked her one last question “ What subculture are you in”. “ Oh the subculture is the goth subculture” lincoln gave a little smirk face back toward the window then said “that's what i thought”.

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