chapter 7 lynnsainty turns into lynnhelsing vampire hunter

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Lynn jr  woke from her deep sleep. She immediately sat up and checked her surroundings. She was back her room. “That was a realistic dream” she whispered. Her phone buzzed she picked it up. It was a notification from the royal woods local news. It read: Local gas station owner murder by what appeared to be a vampire. “what” lynn quiet said unlocking her phone. She read the news article.

Police said witness have reported seeing a male around the age 15. With black hair attacking the victim. The the individual  appear afterward going inside . 10-16 minute coming out with white and suddenly vanishing.

“Wait a sec i had dream lincoln dyed his hair and was a..” lynn  paused and looked at her alarm clock. It was 4:59am “huh now if i do think about it i don't remember going back to bed” lynn said to herself. 2 hour later she got up and ready for school.

Lynn walked down stairs and enter the kitchen she lincoln was already eating his breakfast at the table. Lynn immediately took notice of lincoln white hair. “Oh my god it wasn't a dream but i could be wrong i don't my relationship with lincoln to go up in smoke permanently” she thought to herself. She walk over to the kitchen table pulling up a seat next to lincoln.

Lynn:Morning bro how you sleep last night.

Lincoln: i sleep good.

Lynn: Yeah it was a pleasant night.

She laughed nervously.

Lynn: You heard on the news this morning flip is dead.

Lincoln:What really how did he die?

Lincoln pretend to be in shock.

Lynn:(in her head) You idiot you know how he died you kill him.

Lynn:Well they said it was a vampire.

Lincoln: a v-vampire .

He stuttered.

Lynn:Yeah it was a boy around your age with white hair.

Lincoln eye widen his heartbeat started to increase.


Lynn: Yeah but what gets me about the story is the vampire.

He's around 15, he kills flip smd when he entered the store his hair was black. But when came back out it was white.

Lincoln:(nervously) maybe he dyed his hair lynn.

Lynn:When did you dye your hair back to white.

Lincoln dropped his spoon in the cereal a chill ran down his spine.

Lincoln:(in his head) damn orlok you knocked her out but you didn't erase her memory.

Lynn: Well lincoln

Lincoln:last night around 12 okay.

Lynn:Oh yeah how come i didn't see a hair dye box.

Lincoln:please dont tell mom but i shoplift it from flips yesterday afternoon his price for dye was to high. I threw the bottle and boxes  away in the trash outside.

Lynn still didn't believe lincoln story because thing didn't add up.

Lynn:(in her head) he’s lying. He got money for his birthday. His hair was black and in my dream it was white  now in real life its white again. The attack took place at lincoln favorite store. One final detail lincoln has a romanian accent.

Lynn:Okay bro i wont tell mom.

Flips prices are crazy. It was crazy to think you are a vampire.

Lynn got up from the table then left the room.

Lincoln:Oh hell no.

Lincoln got up from the table silently walked back up stair trying not to be suspicious.

He went into his room and shut the door. Walking  over his closet opening it to find count orlok sleeping.

Lincoln:Wake up count im the one who fucked up this time.

Count orlok:What linc.

Lincoln: Witness saw us most importantly me.


Lincoln:You can erase minds can you.

Orlok:yeah, stop yelling no wonder your last name is loud.

Lincoln:did you erase my sisters memory. Did you

Orlok:Ahhh i forgot.


Orlok:lincoln your over reacting what is one person is gonna do.

Oh one more thing loud two days after your birthday the rest of the symptom will show  and no you won't dye from the sun so be careful.

Lincoln:Great that nice bye count.

Orlok: bye lad.

Lincoln closed the door behind him.

Lincoln:My he's right what is lynn gonna do stab me.

Back in lynns room she open up her drawer taking out a silver crucifixes.she got from under her bed a wooden stake and a bag of garlic.  Lynn went into her closet taking out next putting on a black trench coat.

Lynn: Lincoln loud you are my dracula and i'm your van helsing.

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