Chapter 11 tieing up loose ends with luna

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It was bedtime at the loud house. The loud sibling didn't want to sleep upstairs because they now feared their brother. But one loud sibling sleep upstairs,it was luna.

She wasn't scared of her brother transformation ,luna loved him just way he was. Luna Couldn't sleep she laid in her bed with guilt. The young rock n roller got out of her bed. She looked out the window looking up at the moon.

Luna: i can't believe it my own family is scared of their only brother and son.Huh it ironic lucy say she want to be a vampire and to meet one. But when there a real one in the house he ran away in fear like a coward. He knew was going to be caught he even gave me a hint of what he is  but why me.

Lincoln:Because your different from my other  sisters luna.

Luna looks behind her to see lincoln in all black on with a black cape.

Lincoln: it time for me to tell you the truth. I am a vampire, i knew in time i wasn't going to keep this secret forever.

Luna: bro how did you become a


Lincoln: I unwittingly made a pact with a demon. He gave me two options.

Luna:What were the options dude.

Lincoln sighed and said.

Lincoln:Either i commit suicide and died so he can bring me back to life so i can become a vampire. Or he drag my family and friends to hell for all eternity.

Luna gasped

Luna:so you choose to commit suicide to save our souls.

Lincoln then nodded.

Luna:So now what you gonna do?

Lincoln:Im gonna leave royalwoods maybe the country until they want me back or not it doesn't matter. I'm the undead im basically like castro im gonna have a lot people trying  kill me.

I'm gonna miss you luna.

He then walk towards the window.

At that moment luna blurted out these words.

Luna:I want you to turn me into a vamp.

Lincoln turned around to face her.

Lincoln:luna this is not a great way spent eternity,people after you, people not accepting you.your family dying and your still alive centuries later.

Luna: i wanna share this burden with you as brother and sister.

He smiled at her.

Lincoln:Okay luna  as soon as i do this im leaving for a while.

Luna:Got it.

Lincoln walked up to luna grabbing her the shoulder  he open his mouth sinking his fangs into her neck. Luna silent squealed in pain. Lincoln removed his fangs from lunas neck. Luna gave her little brother a smile. Lincoln smiled back her then said.

Lincoln:Goodbye sis

Luna: goodbye little bro.

Lincoln next turn into a bat and flew out the window into the night.

Luna left her room going into the bathroom. She closed the door behind her next turned on the lights. Luna went up to the mirror looking at her reflection. She had two little marks on her necks. Luna then smiled then said “eh it close enough to a goodbye kiss”.


I hope you enjoy this fan fiction of the loud house i had alot of fun writing this. Like i said the person who help me come up with a idea of a loud house vampire fiction was omegacrow. He also writes loud house fan fiction and they are really good go check out his storys. There will be a sequel to this book. Where luna her self face the reality like her brother Lincoln on being a vampire. Well i hope you all like it. Comment and vote and tell me what you guy thought.


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