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As the five of us all awkwardly rode in the car, I was thinking of every possible way to get out of this situation. But most importantly, I was thinking about the fact that vampires are real. What did that mean? Were werewolves real? Mermaids? Dragons? Who knew?

My hands were shaking as I drove, I tried tightening my grip on the steering wheel so they would stop but it didn't help because my whole body was shaking. I nervously sneaked a glance at every one of them now and then, making sure they were really here and that I wasn't losing my mind. 

Maybe they aren't real. I thought. Maybe they're a group of boys who wear fake fangs and run around in the woods, looking for young girls like myself to terrorize.

My hand moved from the steering wheel and to my neck where the blood had dried and the holes had stopped bleeding. No, this was real. Fake fangs could never actually puncture someone, at least not like this. 

"This is it." I managed to say without my voice shaking.

The four of them peered out the windows, getting a good look at my two story house as I slowly pulled up the driveway.

The four of them peered out the windows, getting a good look at my two story house as I slowly pulled up the driveway

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"This is honestly a lot nicer than I was expecting." the red haired boy, who I'm beginning to realize is named Michael, says from the backseat.

I don't say anything as I put the car in park, shut the car off, and pull the key from the ignition. I open my door and climb out of the vehicle, shutting the door behind me. The four of them follow me up to the front door once they're out of the car.

I stick my house key into the door knob and unlock the door, pushing it open and walking inside. I stand beside the door as I take the key out of the handle, waiting for them to come inside the house so I can shut the door.

"Are you guys just gonna stand there..?" I trail off and bandana guy sighs.

"You have to invite us in." he says and I give him a confused look. "Vampires can't enter a house if it's owned by a living person."

"Oh!" I nod in realization. "Like on that show the vampire diaries?"

"They weren't even real vampires!" Michael bursts out in anger and I hold back a laugh. 

"Would you just let us in? We're still being hunted." the blue eyed one speaks up. 

"Oh, you mean like how you hunted me?" I shoot back and the golden eyed boy holds back a smirk.

"She has a point." he says and the blue eyed one sends him a glare.

"Okay we weren't hunting you, we just happened to find you while we were trying to hide." he clarifies and I let out an aggressive scoff.

"It doesn't matter, you were going to eat me!"

"I still might if you don't let us in." he growls at me, moving directly in front of the doorway and staring into my soul with pure anger.

I smile at him. "You might want to be nice to me considering your life is now in my hands."

"Luke, knock it off." bandana guy steps in. "Look, we're sorry we tried to eat you and then were going to kill you, and then threatened you. Now let us in."

"No." I cross my arms over my chest. "I want an apology from all of you."

"Are you serious?" Luke scoffs and I nod.

"Apologize for trying to eat me, kill me, and threatening me. Then I will let you inside." I stand my ground.

"I'm sorry." the golden eyed boy raises his hand and says. I blink in surprise, mostly because he hasn't said much this entire night so he didn't really need to apologize, but because he did first I can already tell he's the nicest one in the group.

"You can come in." I nod at him and he pushes past blue eyes and bandana, stepping into the house and standing a few feet behind me.

"Okay, fine." bandana says. "I am sorry for threatening you."

I stare at him for a moment, debating on if he was being sincere or not. I decide he is and I invite him inside.

"Thank you." he says as he walks past me and into the house.

"I'm sorry for trying to eat you and then kill you." red haired boy says as if its a chore for him. I roll my eyes.

"I know you're not, but come in." I say and when he steps inside, we all look at blue eyes.

He licks his lips in annoyance before giving me the most fake smile he can muster up. "I am so so so incredibly sorry for threatening to kill you."

"Hmm.." I think for a moment before looking behind me at the other guys. "I don't think that was a very nice apology, do you?"

"Not at all." Michael shakes his head, smirking at blue eyes who lets out a growl.

"I think we should leave him out there for the night." golden eyes says and something tells me he's not joking.

"Luke may be an asshole but he has a good heart once you get to know him." bandana shrugs and I think about their answers before facing Luke again.

"You can come in." I finally say and he takes one step inside, making sure he can actually enter the house. 

When he realizes he can he steps all the way in and I shut the door behind him and then lock it. "Okay, so I don't know if you guys sleep or anything like that, but the second floor has three empty bedrooms that no one uses." I tell them. "Well, they're not empty, they have like beds and dressers and stuff, but they're empty of people."

"We're dead, not stupid." Luke snaps and I inhale sharply.

"You're going to be even more dead if you don't learn some manners." I mumble and the looks on their faces tell me they all heard me. "Anyway! My name is Ivory. I'm tired, and honestly still a little freaked out that vampires are real and are in my house, so if you don't mind I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed, goodnight." I ramble before leaving them and disappearing down a hall that my bedroom is on. 

When I reach my bedroom I quickly open the door, step in, and lock the door behind me. There is no way that I will be sleeping with my door unlocked, if I even sleep at all tonight. I let out a sigh and lean against the door, thinking about the events that happened tonight and the situation I've gotten myself into.

I feel tears begin to prick my eyes and my breathing go unsteady as I start to have a panic attack. This night can not be real, it just can't. 

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