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"I can't believe that you actually have a room with a giant TV just to play video games on." Ashton says when the six of us enter the theater room.

"I can't believe that you can't believe it. Do you see the size of this house? Obviously there's a video game room." Michael says and I roll my eyes.

"Guys, it's a movie room not a video game room. I just happen to play video games sometimes as well as watch movies." I explain and the two of them quietly mumble an  'oh'. "And this house isn't even that big."

 "Idiots." Luke says and when I turn my head to look at him, he's glaring off in the distance.

This boy needs a lamp so he can lighten up, jeez.

"Anyway, I only have a couple of games. I don't really play them as often as I used to." I admit as I pick up the few games I have off of the table beside the game console.

"Why not?" Michael asks me and I shrug.

"I don't know. Elliot and I used to play games all the time but then we just kinda.. grew up, I guess." I say as I hand Michael the games since he was the one begging to play them.

I'm assuming that when I went to bed last night he must have snooped around the house because how else would he have known I had a video game room, as he calls it.

"Who wants to play mario kart with me?" Michael smirks as he begins to put the game disc into the console.

"I'm in." Calum raises his hand and takes a seat in one of the recliners. Michael grabs two controllers and tosses one to Calum who catches it almost too perfectly.

"Anyone else in?" Michael looks around the room at everyone.

"We would but we actually have to go to town." Elliot answers, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"We do?" I pull my eyebrows together, confused as to what she was talking about.

"Yeah, we're in charge of throwing the last pool party of the year tonight, remember?" Elliot tells me, sounding almost offended that I had completely forgotten.

She was right. This year it was my turn to host the midnight pool party. It was another tradition our friend group did. Since it's the beginning of October, it would start getting cold soon, too cold to swim. So every year someone gets chosen to throw the last pool party of the year and since last year it was Riley, this year its me.

But because it was the last pool party of the year, I had to go big or go home. 

"Oh yeah! I forgot." I nod. "We should probably go to town now then since it's already past 10am and we have to decorate and make sure everything is set up." I tell Ellie and she agrees.

"I would like to come with you, if that's alright, little cuz." Ashton throws his arm over my shoulder to really sell the cousin facade. If I tell him no that will be considered rude, plus I don't see why Ashton couldn't join us, he's the most human one of them all, if that makes sense.

"Uh, sure." I nod at him and he smiles down at me. I can't help but glance at his teeth, expecting there to be two pearly white fangs staring back at me but instead his teeth are perfectly normal.

Hm. Guess the fangs only come out when they want them to, which obviously makes sense.

"I'm coming too." Luke breaks the silence and I pull my eyes from Ashton's mouth to look at Luke. I want to ask why he wants to come, considering his hatred towards humans, but I refrain and smile at him instead.

"Great. The more the... yeah." I trail off at the bored look on Luke's face. I don't understand why he's coming, he looks as if coming with us is the last thing he wants to do.

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