Chapter 3

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"Did you find the child?” Growled the deep menacing voice of the Beast.

“Yes, Sir. She is in Newport News, Virginia, Sir.” The boy responded, formally so as not to disrespect the leader.

“Keep her in sight then. Make sure your brother finds her, and kills her. You know how he is, make him see reason.”

“Yes, Sir.” The boy left the throne room, the flames making sweat appear on his brow. He brushed it away as he stalked down the hall and out into the night. Transforming into his own beast, not as big as the Beast, but a good size bigger than a tradition wolf. Running through the woods, out for a hunt of human flesh, human fear.

He continued out through the main swamp lands, skirting around the busy areas and to the outskirts of Chesapeake, to the town of Newport. Finding the girl was easier than first imagined. After centuries of waiting, she has finally arrived and once found, destroyed. The chosen must destroy what has rightfully been given to him to destroy.

The wolf thought of disgrace his brother faced. Being ashamed of the demon he was and is, being ashamed of death. It goes against nature and now, after a century of ostracisation from Hell, he must now be found. He must be told his duty to serve and redeem. He will succeed and he will come home.


“Jaylen. It has been long Brother.” The wolf transformed back into his human self, dressed in little but shorts. He walked up to the little house hidden away in the Appalachians, secluded and alone, yet, conveniently located right outside, a mile or so, of the closest city limits. “Why do you smell human?”

                  “Darake, you know why I smell human. I haven’t changed since last you’ve seen me, summer of 1910.” Jaylen spoke in a dead tone, glaring at his brother. Surprise written across his face, yet annoyance more prominent since he hasn’t been bothered for the past 100 years. “What do you want anyway?”

                  “Now, now, none of this. That is no way to treat your older brother who you haven’t seen in years.” Darake taunts Jaylen as they stare each other down. Jaylen, mature for his younger brother status, refuses to speak. Turning, he walks back into the house without inviting his brother in. “Okay, okay fine. The Beast has spoken and the girl is found. Your job has been set into motion.” There is a long pause as Jaylen processes the information thrown at him. Sighing, he finally responds.

                  “And where is she?”


                  “That’s not so bad I guess.” Jaylen thinks at least it’s out of the state. Away from the accident haunting him from his past.

                  “Newport, Virginia brother. Home sweet home of the dead.” Darake watches as pain flicks across his brothers face. Why does the death of one girl mean so much to a demon? A creature of death, dark, and destruction.

                  “Why me?”

                  “You know why brother.” Darake drifts away before vanishing into the night. Leaving his brother behind, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He will follow the girl, watch her and understand her. Help his brother so all he needs to do is destroy. 

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