Chapter 8

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So sorry I haven't posted anything for awhile! I started a new story and moved into my new house which has taken up my time in writing this story! Enjoy and I will try and update again soon! 


I stayed where I was a while longer. To my surprise she was soon out her door and running. No one said she ran, or could run. I watched her quickly fade into the morning heading toward the school. I jumped down and began the chase. But unlike the final one, I would not scare her. Not here, not now. I trailed behind as she began her practice that soon turned into a single run. She turned off from the rest of the pack, and to my surprise, leaving her close friends behind. I stopped for a second before deciding to follow her. Maybe I could gain some trust. 


I sat up quickly and looked around. My heart pounded loudly to my ears. The night was clear and calm. Sighing, I stepped out of bed and made my way over to the balcony. Maybe the night air would calm me from yet another nightmare. Not that lack of sleep seemed to affect me much but still, people begin to notice strange habits and then begin labeling people as strange. I am beginning to think that I am strange. Very strange.

                  Looking up at the stars surrounding the moon I feel a peacefulness surround me. The Beast from the dream is swept away, a lost thought that hardly existed. I don’t know how long I have been standing here but as the first rays of light shined down on me I noticed how stiff I had become from standing still for so long. I glanced out at the huge oak reaching out to me. There, among the branches is a boy, not much older than myself staring at me. Startled, I step back and blink. Why would there be a boy in my oak in the middle of the night, or rather extremely early morning? And he looked a lot like Darake, just something different. Looking again he was gone. Probably the lack of sleep is finally starting to get to me. That wouldn’t be much of a surprise.

                  Turning, I head back inside and dress. Might as well head out to run. Practice would be starting soon anyway. Grabbing my watch and shoes, I jogged down the stairs and paused in the kitchen. Quickly lacing up, I chugged a glass of water to stay hydrated and took off out the front door.

                  Thu-dump. Thu-dump. Thu-dump. I ran down the road, heart beating out a simple rhythm. I left the others and took a side road heading towards the park. Not really following the rules of stay together. I just kept going, running, forgetting about yesterday. What really happened to me? Why do these things always happen anyway? I blinked away the thoughts as I came up to the park gate. Jogging up to the path where I first met Darake, I pushed into a full out sprint, not caring if I wouldn’t be able to run home.

                  I came upon my favorite bench sooner than I thought possible. I parted the willow braches and sank down onto the seat, not caring if that was another rule broken. Its not like they know where I am or that I would stop. I never stop. I sighed as I leaned back closing my eyes and letting the morning light filter through the branches. A bird sang a few trees away and a soft breeze flowed over me. I slowly lost consciousness into sleep, waiting for something, anything.


                  I followed her down around town to the park at the edge of the woods. This was way to close to the border for my comfort but what could I do? She added a burst of speed that was inhuman. I watched her as she became a blur in time, nonexistent with speed. It is a good thing there are no humans around at this hour. She has grown stronger, becoming what she doesn’t know exists.

                  She stops near the small pond with willows hanging lazily into the water. She looks around at everything then parts the branches of one and steps under the canopy. I watch her outline as she sits on what can only be a bench. I listen closely to the evenness of her breath as it becomes rhythmic and slow, as if she has fallen asleep. I creep closer, not wanting to startle her. Before I can reach the tree another figure takes shape.

                  “Hello again Skye.” A smirking tone drifts out to greet me.

                  “What are you doing here?” Skye lets out a startled glance and grows tense. The fear evident in her voice. So she can sense the danger of this stranger.

                  “Well, it is a public park so I don’t see why I shouldn’t be here.” Said the strangely familiar voice. “Come, walk with me.” A long pause follows as the two look at each other. Skye stands up and inches away from the stranger.

                  “I don’t think I can, Darake. I have to get back to my team before they start to worry.” She continues to back away from him.

                  “Crap!” I hiss under my breath. What is he doing here? This is so not good.

                  “I don’t think that was an offer.” Darake moves in on her. “I have tried to be nice about this but I see that you want it the hard way.”

                  That is my cue to enter the scene. I barge through the branches and tackle Darake as he reaches for Skye. There’s a loud scream from Skye as we both roll out from under the overhanging branches.

                  “What do you think you are doing?” I yell at him as he twists away from me. We both breathe hard and stare each other down. Skye is inching her way toward the path behind me as she watches us.

                  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t my little brother. So nice of you to join the party.” Darake smirks at me. I hear the gasp from Skye as she makes the connection from earlier today.

                  “It’s you.” She says as it all comes together for her.

                  “Yes it’s me. Now you have to listen, Darake here is not who he says he is. Do not trust him about anything.” I say not taking my eyes off of Darake.

                  “Look who’s talking brother,” Darake says back to me, “As if you had any good intentions for the girl. She will be dead soon enough, why does it matter who does it?” Darake says, very deliberately trying to scare her.

                  “It does matter and you know it. This is my job.” I spit back at him. He just smiles and nods as if this is just a happy running into each other issue.

                  “Yes I do believe it is. Well, good luck with that.” He says as he vanishes into the air. How could I be so stupid? He set me up the whole time and now I have to deal with the fact that my victim now knows that she will die and that I am going to be the one to kill her. How does that work? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2012 ⏰

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