Chapter 4

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I walked into school exhausted from yet another fitful night. My dreams continue, pulling me under into a world of fear. No escape until the alarm goes off. Sighing, I make my way down to my English class. English first period was not always the best, but it was creative writing, so I guess it counts for something.

I walked in and took my seat in the front corner. There was no one else there yet, so I was free to continue thinking. I logged onto my computer and entered the class blog page. I took out my notebook and pen, then sat back waiting. Leon and Caroline weren’t taking this class so I wouldn’t see them until second period, which stunk since I couldn’t get my mind off of the mysterious dreams. The past ten years of them have been haunting me ever since my parents died. 

“Is this seat taken?”a familiar voice asked. Startled, I looked up at Darake.

“Well, we do have assigned seats and Alex sits there, so if I were you, I would wait for Mrs. Wilson to come in.” I said smiling, hiding my surprise at seeing him in this class.

“Well, we’ll see.” He said smiling with a twinkle in his eye. The look he gave me made it clear that there was a hidden agenda on his mind. Kind of weird, but I brushed it off and watched him walk to the front of the room. Alex sat down and looked at me expectantly.

“So who’s the new guy?” he asked as he started up his computer.

“His name is Darake. I don’t know anything else about him though.” I replied not thinking much more about it.

Just then Mrs. Wilson walked in dressed in one of her usual flowing hippy shirts and jeans. She breezed past Darake and flitted to her desk, checking her personalized clock on the way. The bell rang just as the rest of the class trickled in.

Alex and I watched Darake as he introduced and showed Mrs. Wilson his new schedule. She was checking her seating chart and then glancing at the back of the room to the couple of empty desks. Darake said something and she looked my way. Glancing back at her sheet, she nodded ok and he walked back over to where we were seated.

“Hey Alex?” Darake addressed him questioningly. “I’m Darake.”

Alex smiled. “Hey.”

“Do you mind moving to the back and sitting next to Lisa?” Darake said straight to the point. I looked from him to Alex.

“Sure man! I’ll take any seat away from the prodigy runner and writer over here!” He said smiling at me. I knew he was joking but also knew he had been eyeing Lisa for the past five weeks of this semester.

Alex logged out and switched seats while Darake took the seat next to me. He smirked as class began, but we didn’t have much time to talk until the bell rang.

Darake followed me out the door as we both headed down the hall to gym. I had his schedule in hand and was looking at it again for the fifth time. He had all of my classes with all of the same teachers.

“So how did we end up with all of the same classes?” I said jokingly as we walked into the gym and headed toward the rest of the class.

“Well, I did mention that you were my only friend here and it is a smallish school.” He chuckled as we walked over to where Leon and Caroline were talking. I shoved the schedule at his chest and pretended indifference, walking deliberately toward my friends. Making a new friend, hot guy no less, should be exciting. That is, it would be if I weren’t some freak in the system trying to stay hidden to the monster that killed my parents. I guess you could say my belief in coincidences isn’t there and Darake was causing too many for my comfort.

Caroline stopped talking at our approach. She stared at Darake, eyeing him like a predator. This was not going to end well when I told her to lay off the newbie. Why did I have to be so paranoid?

“Hey Caroline! What’s up?” I smiled walking up, giving her a warning look. She really needed to chill.

“Hey Skye.” She looked back at me with her death stare, daring me to say anything out loud. We glared at each other for a while, that is, until Darake spoke to Leon.

“Do they always do that?” He asked glancing at us.

“Yeah, it’s kind of their thing. I never really picked up on the whole ‘stare until the other drops down dead’ look,” he said jokingly as Caroline and I smiled and stopped the stare down.

“Soooo.” I said to get the awkwardness out of the way. I glanced at them all and then sighed as they all just stared back. Okay, I guess I was going to have to make the formal introductions. “Leon, Caroline, this is Darake. Darake these are my best friends Leon and Caroline.” I dramatically motioned to them each as I spoke, making a point of glaring at Caroline again. I really didn’t like the vibes I was getting from Darake’s appearance and her predator looks.

The coach called us all over then and sent us to the locker rooms to change. Another running day for everyone, a walking one for all of us! I smirked to myself as I thought about how Darake would have to run with everyone else while we all got to walk and talk. Sometimes gym can be a lifesaver!

“Hey Skye, what do you think of Darake? He’s got some looks!” Caroline sighed dreamily as she was tying her shoes.

“Umm, well he’s in all of my class and stuff. But I don’t know how I feel about him. Something’s up with him and I’m going to find out what.” I told her as I pulled my hair back and we walked out to the track.

“Aww come on Skye! He cannot be that bad! This is middle of nowhere-ville where everyone knows everyone and everyone is in everyone’s class.” She gave me one of her ‘I know you don’t believe in coincidences but suck it up and quit being a superstitious freak.’

“Fine! Okay! You win!” I yelled as she smiled one of her award winning smiles.

“That’s much better! Now lets go find Mr. Hot Stuff and Leon and see if we can get him out of running.” Her eyes twinkled as she ran ahead and joined them with the rest of the class. Okay, maybe I am being a little paranoid, so sue me! I shrugged off my fears and went with it the rest of the long jumpy day.

Later that night, I replayed the day over and over, trying to comprehend Darake and his strange manner.  There was a dark sinister feeling that started within me every time I thought about him. And when I was near him, the hairs on the back of my neck would stand on end. There was something familiar but I couldn’t put a finger on it.

I climbed into bed, not even thinking about what the night had in store for me. A wind blew the trees against my window as I slowly fell into the most peaceful sleep I’ve had in years. The darkness closed in as the peace fell into place, locking me into the unconscious world.


Somewhere else on a side street a few blocks from the school, a lone figure stood in the shadows, calmly waiting for the clouds to cover the moon. As the darkness intensified, the figure stepped out and ran for the woods. As he disappeared into the trees, a ripping sound followed by a blood curdling scream disturbed the silence, seeming to warn the victim that was due for execution in the future. A piercing silence clung to the town.

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