Chapter 5

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"Hey Skye wait up!” Darake came up next to me as I was walking into school. It was already Friday! I warily looked at him, feeling completely on edge. The past four days have been long. Darake, always at my side in every class everyday, and with him always came a feeling of fear and dread. My heart began to race as the hairs on my neck rose up again and wouldn’t go down until I went to bed that night.

I glanced over at him and quickened my pace hoping he will get the hint that I don’t want to talk. But why should I bother since he obviously doesn’t get it and keeps up with me.

“Hey Darake.” I finally mumble as I put my head down and kept walking. I really need to stop being paranoid. I have been a mess all week and need to loosen up a bit.

Darake didn’t say anything else for a while, just kept pace with me as I entered the building heading to my locker. Quickly opening it and shoving my coat and bag in I grabbed what I needed and slammed it shut.

“Is everything alright?” I jumped and dropped my stuff as I turned and looked at Darake. He just stared back at me then bent to pick up my books. Why had he asked that? Did I really look as bad as I felt? Oh God, I was a nervous wreck! Stupid nightmares not letting me get proper sleep and then having to deal with Mr. Hot Stuff as Caroline constantly reminds me.

“I…I’m fine.” I quickly grabbed my stuff. “Thanks.” I turned and fled down the hall, hoping for once that he wouldn’t follow me. I turned into the bathroom and set my stuff down next to the sink. I finally looked up at myself.

A crazed person stared back at me. Dark circles outlined my eyes and the light brown hair was matted and tangled. I guess I forgot to brush it this morning. My eyes were a dark misty gray staring back at me. What has happened? I really need to get a grip on things. If Darake was really going to hurt me he would have done it by now! Yes, it’s fine to be paranoid about the dark but this is a high school boy! Not some creepy nutcase that killed my parents and tried to kill me.

I reached up and traced the slight scar on my neck where the blade of the murderer had scratched me. He shot my parents. I only remember looking into his eyes and thinking why? Then I woke up with a bandage on my neck and in a hospital.

The first bell rang and I scooped up my stuff and turned to leave. I reached out to grab the handle of the bathroom door and the hairs on my neck stood on end. I glanced back at the empty bathroom and shook my head. I grabbed the door and tried pulling, but nothing happened. I set my stuff on the floor and use both hands to try and pull it open. Still nothing happened.

Okay, don’t panic Skye. Maybe it just locked and you can yell for help. Only I was already panicking and sweat trickled down my back.  This was not good. I started pounding on the door and yelling. Still nothing happened, and no one came to help me out. I was on full panic alert, not the best thing to do but with my history, I guess it didn’t matter too much.

“Skye.”  The voice drifted to me from the back of the restroom. I spun around and backed against the door. My heart was racing and my breaths were coming in short and raspy.

“Wh-What do you want?” I gasped. Then I register that the voice used my given name. “How do you know who I am?” Okay, now was the time to panic full out.

“Skye, Skye, Skye. Do you not know me?” The voice taunted me. I glanced around and still didn’t see anyone. The lights flickered and then went out. What would you do if you were trapped in darkness with a creepy voice from your nightmares? Scream? Yes, that is a good idea, only before I got the chance I registered that the voice was indeed from my nightmares and that scared me speechless. I just stood there freaking out not doing anything as my nightmares came to life.

“Go away! You are not real!” I spoke in a rather harsh steady voice. The complete opposite of what I was feeling which surprised me.

“Now, now Angel, that’s no way to treat your savior! Your life and soul are mine dear thing! And yes, I am real since I am here now in the flesh.” An explosion of light and flames shattered the darkness in front of me. The Beast was there smirking at me with sharp deadly teeth. I screamed as it cackled with a dark laugh. It lunged for me but I ducked and rolled ending up on the other side of the room facing the door. I continued to scream as the Beast turned and stalked me until my back was again against the wall. It smirked like it always did in my dreams and I met its piercing blue eyes. I gave one last bloodcurdling scream before it lunged again and I blacked out.

I woke to faint voices all around me. I opened my eyes and waited for the bright light to filter around and my eyes to focus. Ugh, I groaned as my body protested against moving. I sat up and looked around. I was in the nurse’s office on one of the beds with the curtains drawn. What was I doing here? What happened to me? The voices sounded like my mom and dad, and maybe the nurse? Although I haven’t really met her. There was a louder voice that I instantly recognized as Caroline. Okay, think, why are you in the nurse’s office just waking up with your parents and who knows who else talking out front? What did you do?

I thought back to Darake and escaping to the bathroom. And then I never left. My face drained of blood as the images of the Beast and dark came back. So that’s what happened. I quickly stood up and rushed out, tears already spilling down my face. I was a major emotional wreck and needed help. I burst through the open door into the front office and plowed through my mom. Well I guess not my real mom but my adoptive mom. After a year of foster care she and Dad decided to just adopt me and now we are a nice happy family.

“Oh my sweetheart!” my mother held onto me tightly as I cried rather embarrassingly. “Everything is fine now. Nothing’s going to happen to you.”

I let go of her as I wiped my eyes. 

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