Chapter 7

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 I walk out with Mom and Dad. They help me into the car. We are all quiet on the ride home. I told them what happened and how it is just like when I was six. I guess the witness protection didn’t consider this. I mean, who can plan for nightmares to come to life? That only happens in horror films and creepy fairy tales.


                  After a day of watching I found the girl. She is tall, maybe 5-8 with dark hair, yet when she walks in the sun hints of red show through. She is lean and muscular, fit and athletic looking. Something happened to her today. She knows something but not what it is. She is changing and the longer I wait to make a move the stronger she will become. Not that that is a bad thing, just very inconvenient when trying to kidnap an angel.

                  What should I do to earn her trust? I got up and opened my window. I lived alone in a house secluded at the edge of the woods. I bought it two days ago when I finally decided to come. After Darake showed up there was little choice but to think about it and what else could I do? It was either come and rebel or sit around waiting for the Beast to show up and force me to do the unthinkable. I jumped out and landed gracefully outside the front door. I sighed as I stood from my crouched landing and began to run, away from the woods, into the night.

                  I wound my way through the empty streets, past the school and onto a peaceful and calm street. Old beautiful houses lined the street, set back from the road. Ancient trees added privacy. I stopped in front of one in the middle. Simple compared to some of the others, yet it had a grander appearance. I crept forward and jumped into the huge oak in front. The branches were perfectly aligned with the window ledges of the second story. I positioned on a branch outside her window. She had a small balcony with a double glass door. I watched her as she tossed in her sleep. She looked rather harmless, unimportant in the world, like a normal teenager.

                  She bolted up right with wide terrified eyes. She searched frantically around her until she calmed down. She sank back into the covers and lay there for awhile before getting up and leaving. I leaned back into the tree and closed my eyes. I didn’t need to sleep much, being a demon had advantages. I guess that’s why she was up too.

                  A click rang throughout the night. My eyes snapped open as she opened her door. I swung myself around to the other side of the tree away from her. My heart was pounding in my chest. I heard her almost silent footsteps as she walked to the railing. I dared a quick glance at her and she was looking up into the sky. She stayed like that until the sun started to rise in the east. She blinked then looked straight at me. She looked startled then blinked and stepped back. I disappeared in the time it took for her to blink, not giving her a second look. It was silent for a moment before I heard her retreating into the house.

                  I stayed where I was a while longer. To my surprise she was soon out her door and running. No one said she ran, or could run. I watched her quickly fade into the morning heading toward the school. I jumped down and began the chase. But unlike the final one, I would not scare her. Not here, not now. I trailed behind as she began her practice that soon turned into a single run. She turned off from the rest of the pack, and to my surprise, leaving her close friends behind. I stopped for a second before deciding to follow her. Maybe I could gain some trust. 

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