Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.

Mallory's POV

It's been 23 days now since I stopped being my families slave and instead got turned into their punching bag. 23 days since I have talked to anyone. 23 days since I've showered. 23 days since I've eaten anything but bread. I am a mess.

I'm guessing it's about 7am because I can hear my parents in the kitchen talking, which means they're probably getting ready for work. I have about 10 more hours until my dad will come in with my bread and water, and beat me.

I carefully listen to my parents but only catch the occasional sentence like "shall we tell her" and "should we tell her where she is actually going". Yay they're planning on sending me to another mental family to beat me! I'm excited. Not.

They're actually probably not even talking about me. They'll be sending Samantha on some amazing holiday so she can have the time of her life, while I die alone in my own blood.

I slowly doze off dreaming about the future. Am I going to live like this forever? Will I ever leave this house? Will I ever have kids?

"Mallory! Great news! Since you hate living here, I'm allowing you to go live with my mate Marcus who lives in Aussie" I was suddenly awoken by the sound of my fathers voice, but didn't reply as I didn't really believe what he was saying.

"Sorry for beating you baby girl, but what are you waiting for! Go have a shower, and put some nice clothes on that your lovely step-mother bought for you yesterday!" My father basically yelled filled with excitement.

I was too scared to question my father in case he beat me again "Okay father" I replied. "I'll just go pack some of my stuff".

"No darling" My father said sternly "I burnt all that crap, you don't want memories from this terrible place do you?"

I just shook my head and waited for him to leave before heading to the shower. Was he really letting me leave the place I haven't left in twelve years? I started to tear up in shower, well balled my eyes out. That ass burnt all my stuff? Memories of my childhood (before I turned five)! Memories of my Mum! They are not terrible memories, they were great! Everything was perfect before my mum disappeared. My dad never told me what happened to her.

I was in the shower for probably over an hour. It felt amazing, showering after 23 days. I shaved all my hairy places so I didn't look like a gorilla. The water running off my body was red washing away the crusty blood,  leaving cuts and bruises everywhere. I looked like I had just been at war.

After my long shower, I walked back to my room in a towel to see my father cleaning up the blood and shit. I wanted to laugh at him and smear it in his face. "I can't believe I did this to you hunny, but don't worry Daddy will clean it up for you. You're so skinny bub, you could of just asked for food" he said so cheerfully like nothing had happened at all.

"Your clothes are in my room, I know you'll love the outfit your kind mother bought for you" he said to me like I was five years old. I hated it how he called my fucking step-mum "mum" I hated her. All she had ever done was wreck me. She completely ruined my life. I hated her.

I walked into my Dad's room to see barely anything on his bed at all. There was a black lacy bra that actually looked about my size with matching panties. Alongside the underwear sat a short tight red dress and black high heels. I thought I was going to Australia not to a fucking slut party.

I put on the dress and heels, feeling like a real skank. My boobs were so big and the dress was so tight making them seem even bigger. The red dress sat just below my ass, showing off my white legs that were covered in scars. And for the heels they made me look like a baby giraffe that doesn't know how to walk.

"Oh baby, you look stunning. All the boys are going to love you. Now all you need to do is put some makeup up on them ugly scars and bruises. Don't want people to think you good ol' daddy beat you do we? It'll ruin my reputation" my father whispered while placing his hands on my hips. I thought it was kind of weird first but maybe he just missed me.

"Okay father" I replied in a shy voice, still confused about what was going on.

I tied my hair up while my step-mother basically caked me in make-up, while my father watched. He watched my step mother pull my dress right up so my panties were showing. My step mother didn't talk to me the whole time, neither did my Dad. After about half an hour I was covered in make-up from head to toe. I looked like a fucking Barbie doll, since I have long brown hair like one anyway. But at least my skin looked presentable.

"Here sweetheart, I packed you some lovely clothes to wear in Aussie" my father said while passing me a leopard print suitcase. I just reply "thank you" and then sit down on the couch.

I still didn't have a fucking clue what was happening to me. I mean one minute my Dad's calling me a bitch and beating me up then the next minute he's sending me to Australia to have a better life.

"My gorgeous girl, I am really going to miss you, but it looks like your taxi's here. Oh and before I forget here's a cellephone so you can stay in contact with me, and your lovely step-mum and sister". he says while pulling me in for a hug. I didn't know what to do so I kind of just stood there.

"Mallory babe, you are a very awkward girl. Put your hand here and squeeze" he whispers while placing my hand on his butt, then doing the same with his hand on my butt.

I was about to walk out to the taxi but my father pulled me back in "Darling, don't you tell anyone what I used to do because that is in the past. Now give me a goodbye kiss"

I didn't really know what a 'kiss' was so I just let my father do it for me. He placed his lips against my own and held them there for what felt like ages. I guess this was a normal goodbye gesture.

After I walked out the door, I didn't think about my past life just about the future. I couldn't wait to meet some people, and experience the world. At least I know how to gesture people now from what my father showed me.

I couldn't wait to meet Marcus, and I couldn't wait to go to Australia, it'll be way different than America. I hope it's not a long drive from here.

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