Chapter 9

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Delilah's POV

After we'd finished reading the contract Luke dragged me upstairs, to get away from Marcus. I could sense the sadness within Luke, but then I knew I had that same sadness within myself. I knew that it would be hard to follow these stupid rules, like I think I may have a slight (very slight) crush on Ashton because he is just so cute and nice. But I had only just meet them all so there's plenty of time for things to change, it's just weird knowing I'm basically going to live with Luke forever because it's not we're ever going to fall in love. Never in a million years. 

I couldn't wait until Saturday night. I had been told before that boy bands are really hot, like hotter then normal boys. And these normal boys I were currently living with were really really hot. I didn't think a man could get hotter than Luke. And of course Ashton, Calum and Michael. Yeah mostly them, more than Luke. Way more than Luke. 

Suddenly I got a really horrible thought, it had been a while since I last got my period, maybe just over 30 days. So that meant I would be due for it any single day now. I did not want to be bleeding down there for my first fucking concert..... especially when I had no items, because I doubt that any of these boys are going to have a stash. I wrote a mental note in my brain to go to the supermarket and get some.

"Okay um Delilah, this is 5 Seconds of Summer." Luke addressed, showing me a single picture on his laptop screen. In front of me there were 5 boys. They were okay looking, I suppose. They defiantly weren't as good looking as the boys I live with.

"Do you know there names?" I asked Luke. He looked a bit awkward about the question, but he answered "Umm that ones Max, and that's Nathan and that's Jay I think, and umm well I'm not very good friends with the other two.... so I don't know"

"Oh, We could just google them" I suggested.

"Umm no my laptop is about to go flat sorry." Luke squeaked.

"Oh right" I replied. I'm pretty sure it was fully charged, but maybe he was just getting jealous that I was showing interest in them. I could just look at his laptop in my own time I guess. "Can we listen to some of there music then?"

"Sure okay, I guess. But we'll play it on my phone" Luke agreed.

I just smiled, exciting to see if 5 Seconds of Summer's other songs were as good as the one I listened to in the car. 

"This one's called 'The Only Reason'" Luke added.

"Don't talk, let me think it over

How we gonna fix this?

How we gonna undo all the pain?

Tell me, is it even worth it?

Looking for a straight line

Taking back the time we can't replace"

So far I really liked this song, It was really good. The boy singing it had such a nice voice.

"All the crossed wires,

Just making us tired

Is it too late to bring us back to life?"

Holy shit. That voice was different than the first. I mean the first singer had an amazing voice.... but this one.... his voice was so sexy. I want to marry this boy. I made a mental note to myself to marry the singer of this sentence.

"When I close my eyes and try to sleep

I fall apart, I find it hard to breathe

You're the reason, the only reason

Even though my dizzy head is numb,

I swear my heart is never giving up

You're the reason, the only reason"

I continued listening to the song in silence occasionally hearing that special voice. It was so perfect, but I didn't want Luke to think I liked 5 Seconds of Summer when I should be liking him.

"Did you like that song, Delilah? You look very um happy" Luke chuckled.

"Yeah um I did, they're really good singers. I can't wait to see them even though they aren't um that hot" I replied

"Oh trust me, they're much better looking in real life. Especially the main singer, that you were basically having an organism over his voice." Luke burbled out, giggling.

"No yuck, I wasn't he just has a hot voice. That doesn't mean anything" I smirked, abit disgusted in Luke thinking I had an organism over one of their voices.

"Whatever Delilah, but do you wanna listen to more 5SOS songs?" Luke questioned.

I just nodded, smiling slightly and chucked the contract on the floor laying back on Luke's bed. Luke lay down beside me playing a song called "Heartache on the Big Screen" I could hear that precious voice again. He sounded like an angel. All of 5 Seconds of Summer's songs Luke played to me were amazing  but I particularly liked a song called Disconnected, I just wish I had a real boyfriend that actually cared for me to relate this song too. That would be amazing. 

The rest of the day, nothing really happened. Luke did some washing for me, and then I just watched TV and read a book of Luke's called "50 Shades of Grey" It was really um interesting.  I wasn't allowed to go out at all today, but I was allowed out tomorrow with one of the boys friends I think. I decided I'll get some new clothes and some gym gear to work out in since I had to go to the gym. I also had to go to the supermarket to buy some girly things but it'd be awkward if the friend I was going to town with was a guy. I suppose I could get Luke's weekly gift too. None of the boys were allowed to go out until Saturday night because they were grounded or something, I don't really know.

For tea that night we had steak and salad, that Calum and I cooked. I was suprised Marcus even allowed Calum and I to cook together. I have to admit that we were actually quite good cooks. Everyone seemed to really enjoy dinner.

Before I went to sleep I said my goodnights to everyone and then headed off to bed with Luke.  He let me borrow his black t shirt again then started playing some of 5SOS making smile but sleepy. I really wanted him to wrap his big arms around me but I wasn't scared so he wouldn't. I closed my eyes praying I wouldn't get any nightmares.

"Goodnight Delilah"

"Night Luke, I've always hated you"

"And always will" he groaned.

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