Chapter 8

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Delilah's POV (Mallory)

My first step from forgetting my old life is complete, to find a new name. I was now called Delilah. Not Mallory Grace Evans nor Delilah with a middle and last name. I was just Delilah. It's actually really weird thinking that Luke pretty much named me. He already has to take me everywhere he goes and now he has named me. I'm pretty much his dog. I was so scared about the contract, It'd probably say stupid things like "you and Luke must have sex at least 20 times a day" and that would be gross because I'm defiantly a virgin, and he obviously won't be because um he's alright looking I suppose.

I attempted helping the boys clean up after breakfast, but they weren't having any of it. They made me sit down and watch TV. It was really weird I think it was Disney channel on some program called Ferb and Phinny or something like that it was really weird anyway. It must of been about an hour before anyone joined me.

"Luke sit down beside your girlfriend Della or whatever you said her name was. "It's Delilah" I reply sweetly to Marcus, getting a rude stare in return.

"Okay I want the two of you to read this and shut up. Don't complain, and from now on you two both must follow every single rule on the contract." Marcus demanded.

"And what if we don't follow the contract?" Luke snorted.

"You both have three warnings. After your three warnings, Luke you will be out of the band and Delwhatever your name is you'll be going back home." Marcus continued.

"You can't do that to me.... " Luke replied beginning to get teary eyed. "You can't do it to us"


Luke and I both stayed silent after that. Marcus slowly handed us a separate white envelope each. I just held it. This was basically the entrance to my life, well our life. I looked over to Luke he had tears streaming down his face. He whispered "I'm so sorry" to me, making me tear up too.

I heard Luke begin to tear open his envelope, so I did the same thing. Inside was a single piece of paper, with thousands of tiny words on it. I nearly needed a magnifying glass to read it. I noticed at the top of the paper was an empty space, to write my name their I guess. I bet my Dad hadn't even told Marcus my name.

The Official Contract Between Miss                 and Mr Luke Hemmings.

As you are aware, you and Luke Hemmings are now a couple. This means you two are in L-O-V-E. Act like a couple. These are the rules you must follow at all times.

1. You may not sit with one of the other boys, unless Luke is beside you.

2. You and Luke must sleep in the same bed every single night.

3. If leaving the house for any reason either you go alone or with Luke. You must not be alone in public with any other boy, unless I say so.

4. You must dress up while leaving the house so people think highly of you. (no fatpants, gym clothes, pj's)

5. IF anybody talks to you in the street stop and talk to them- be friendly.

6. Do not tell ANY of the boys about your past life. It is your secret.

7. You must show a lot of PDA (Public Display of Affection) This means you have to kiss, hug, tell each other you love them etc.

8. You and Luke have to be the cutest couple in the world so do cute things like laugh at his jokes, hold hands, go on dinner dates.

9. If any of the boys happen to see your scars/bruises say you were in a car crash not that long ago- and that is also why you cry at night.

10. When going out cover up every single mark on your body.

11. If you happen to get in a fight deal with it quickly. If you fight, you make up straight away.

12. You may not have any other guy friends apart from the 3 you live with. But don't get too close otherwise you and Luke will be kicked out, and have to find a house together.

13. You must buy Luke a present at least once a week, with a value over $100

14. You must have a twitter account to tweet your fans.

15. You must attend all 5SOS gigs the boys attend to.

16. You must go to work with Luke every single day, sometimes you will be away from home months at a time.

17. Do not swear or speak un appropriately in public.  

If you break one of these rules, then you get one warning after 3 warnings you will be sent home and your father will treat you worse then ever. You will receive $1500 a week from your boyfriends earnings. This is to buy designer clothes, make up and accessories and to attend gym sessions. At the end of this contract (1 year from now) if my accountant and I think you too are actually in love, the contracts over. You will have to go home and carry on life as usual. You will not have anything to do with me or the boys again. If you still aren't in love you will get married and continue for another year.

Remember I own you, so you have no choice but to follow this contract. Your life is in my hands, so behave.

Yours Sincerely

Marcus Ruffel- Head of 5 Seconds of Summer

"What the fuck" I mumbled under my breathe.

"Hey did you not read rule 17. Do not swear" Marcus growled.

I didn't reply I just groaned. Rule 17 said don't swear in public, I was not in public now. I  looked over to Luke who was staring blankly at his contract. Was his any different to mine? Half of the words I read didn't even make sense because you know, I've never been to school in my life. But what confused me the most was rules 14, 15, 16 and when Marcus labelled him self of head of 5 Seconds of Summer. Why would I have fans? Why would these boys want to go to gigs of a boy band who would probably be the same age as them, and why would they attend many? Why does Luke have a job that requires him to leave home for months sometimes? And I knew 5 Seconds of Summer were a band what does it mean if he's head of them? 

Oh shit it's all clicked into place now. Marcus has something to do with the boy band 5 Seconds of Summer, so Luke and the other guys have to attend their concerts because Marcus does since he is head of them. I wonder if Luke, Calum, Ashton and Michael are friends with the 5SOS boys? Oh and that would be why I would have fans because maybe I'll get to meet 5SOS and their fans will become fans of me. I can't believe after 12 years of not leaving the house, I get to meet a famous boy band. And that's why the boys are so rich, because Marcus is head of 5SOS and they are rich so he gets lots of money.

"So when will I get to meet 5 Seconds of Summer" I yelped with slight excitement. At least there was a positive side to this contract.

Marcus was about to reply but Luke suddenly butted in "We'll be going to one of their concerts on Saturday night so in 4 days time."

I smiled, I couldn't wait to meet the band. Their song we listened to in the limo sounded pretty cool. I think it was called "hey, hey". That'd also explain the limo. It probably belonged to 5SOS and they let Marcus borrow it.

"Yay I can't wait! Now Luke can we go on your laptop so I can see what the 5 Seconds of Summer boys look like and learn their names before we meet them" I gurgled out.

Luke's POV

Fuck fuck fuck. What do I do? Why is she so happy just because she's going to meet a band after reading a horrible contract. I couldn't just go on the internet and show her bloody pictures of the real 5SOS, she wouldn't believe me.

I guess 5SOS we're going to get some new members. She wouldn't know if I showed her other pictures of a boy band and said they were 5SOS would she? Now the thing was what boy band do I choose? Either 1D or The Wanted I think. She wouldn't know who either of them were would she?

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