Chapter 11

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Niall's POV

I'm actually quite confused right now. As soon as Luke found out I was coming over to watch their show on Saturday night, he told me that I had to come and take his girlfriend that he hates to town, so he could go to work. Apparently Marcus said it was okay too. So firstly I don't understand why he hates her, she seems lovely and secondly they were just chasing each other around the house.  He did tell me about how they've been forced together and the contract and everything else. He also did mention that Delilah, I think her name is, doesn't know that they are 5SOS, so I have to avoid all shops that may have their merch or CD's. This may be really hard. I also have to avoid fangirls somehow on the way to the mall, luckily I booked the whole mall so we only have the problem until we get there.

"Niall, just before Delilah gets back, here's a list of stuff to get her today and of course whatever else she wants unless it's you know too revealing...." Luke whispered while handing me his credit card. I took the the list, but not his card and told me 'i'd pay'. I think he was about to chuck it back at me but we were interrupted by Delilah who was wearing a really tight, really short black dress.

"Delilah you are not wearing that.... thing" Luke snarled at his 'girlfriend'.

"I can wear what I want Luke, what if I said to you, you can't wear all your stupid band tees?" Delilah snapped back at him. I didn't really know what to do so I just told Luke I'd buy her some more clothes today before grabbing her arm and walking to my car. 

"What do you want to get for breakfast?" I questioned Delilah, while getting into my navy blue Porsche. To be completely honest, I really wanted a yellow or orange one but apparently it would draw too much attention to me, so I was stuck for plan old navy blue. 

"I don't know, what can you get for breakfast?" She replied.

How does she mean what can you get for breakfast. Obviously she would of been out and eating fast food before. "Like McDonald's, Starbucks anything! What type of food do you want then?" I asked her.

"Niall you choose. This is the first time I have ever eaten out since I was 5, and this is the first time I've ever been to a mall."

"Ohhh" I responded, slightly confused. Luke did not mention anything about being locked up in jail or whatever happened. Maybe that's why she ended up here. I would definitely have to ask Luke about her. It was only about 9am in the morning, so it wasn't too busy, and luckily I only had a few fans at the airport. Nobody really knew I was in Sydney yet. I decided I'd take Delilah to Westfield, because it was massive and pretty close to the 5SOS house.

After about 20 minutes on a drive, listening to the radio and talking about me being in One Direction we finally arrived at the mall. Their were about 20 fans here, screaming there heads off so somehow they found out about me being in Aussie. I decided not to go sign stuff for them since I had Delilah with me, but she insisted we go and meet them. 

All the fans seemed so lovely, and they all began to cry when I signed their tops. I wasn't allowed to hug them or anything since there was so much security around, but they all seemed quite happy. One girl asked me if Delilah was my girlfriend.... so I'm guessing Luke hasn't taken her out yet. But I think she's only been in Aussie for a few days anyway. After that I quickly took Delilah inside, incase people started taking pictures and amusing we were boyfriend and girlfriend. I wouldn't mind having a girlfriend like her though because she was very pretty and very nice.

We walked into the mall, with the security locking it straight away so no one could get inside. It felt so weird being in a completely empty mall well apart from the staff of course, we didn't really book out a whole huge mall very often.

"I'm hungryyy" I groaned at Delilah.

"Me too actually" She replied.

"Well what are we waiting forrr? I yelled pulling Delilah along with me. She began laughing, I guess that means she's having fun. Well I hope. I haven't had a actual girlfriend in ages. I just feel like ruining the fans dreams if I get a girlfriend, and how do you actually know if a girl likes you for who you are as a person or just as who you are in the band. That's why I like girls like Delilah. She doesn't know who the hell One Direction is, so if she likes me in anyway I know she actually likes me.

I decided on going to Macca's for breakfast because who doesn't like Macca's right? I just ordered lots of things on the breakfast menu and hoped Delilah would like something there.

Sure enough after eating and sitting for a whole hour, between the two of us we ate everything I ordered, and I ordered alot.

"Shopping time!!!!" I announced while running in a girls clothes shop near the food court. Delilah came running behind me, a bit shocked I think from all the clothes in one store. She just stood still admiring all the clothes.

"C'mon go choose some clothes! You need a whole new waredrobe." I screamed at her making her move. I guess she would be about a size 6 or 8 in Australian size. She was reasonable tall but really skinny. I picked out some clothes in size 8 that I thought were nice and put in a changing room. She grabbed a few items too, but not many.

"Delilah. Do. Not. Worry. About. Money! I am one of the richest people in the world! We could buy the whoe mall and it wouldn't make a dent in my bank account." I joked, she smiled and grabbed a pretty floral dress that obviously had a big price tag on it. I knew she was eyeing something up.

Altogether at that certain store, Delilah bought about 10 items of clothing, including that floral dress and some clothes I picked out. We just left them on a bench because it's not like there's anybody there to steal them before entering another girly shop that I had never been in. I was actually quite surprised that Delilah let me see her trying on the clothes. I couldn't help but notice the scars all over her body but I didn't dare to say anything.

Did I mention despite the scars Delilah looked really hot dressed up?

About 30 stores later, Delilah had a whole new wardrobe of all sorts of clothes and shoes and a new Iphone 5S, and lots of undies and bras which was awkward buying for us both I think. She also go Luke a fluffy pair of penguin onzies, because she said she has to get Luke a present every week. On several occasions I had to avoid 5SOS cd's that were all over the mall. I also decided to be a little cute too, and bought Delilah a big fluffy cow teddy. She seemed so happy and couldn't put it down.

After eating lots more food and getting lots of weird looks from staff, I was nearly ready to go, but there was one last stop that would be awkward but essential for all girls.

"Umm Delilah, do you need any umm tampons or anything because I can get you some?" I stuttered awkwardly.

She just laughed and nodded, so we went to the supermarket and got some girly stuff. I even sneaked in some condoms and pregnancy tests as a joke for the boys, and bought them so food since I was staying with them a few nights and eat a lot.

"Oh, I forgot..... Niall could you get me the 5SOS cd, I heard they let a new EP out" Deliah asked me.

Fuck.... what do I say.... um "Oh the boys have it at home I'm sure" I stuttered before finding all the bags spread over the mall, getting help from the security and going back to my car.

"Thank You, so much Niall, it means alot" Delilah smiled too me. I was glad I could make such a lovely girl happy, but sad she wasn't mine.... and never would be.

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