Chapter 3

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Mallory's POV

I'm quite confused. I'm sitting in a really big fancy limo beside a really hot boy, listening to a song that says 'hey' constantly and something about underwear. The tanned boy who I actually learnt his name was Calum not Carter, told me that the song was theirs, so I guessed they mean their favourite song between the 4 of them. I think 5 Seconds of Sex or 5 Seconds of Summer sing it, anyway it was 5 Seconds of something. Maybe I'll have to stalk them on my phone if I can go on the internet on it. Calum told me it's some sort of Nokia which sounds kind of fancy. He has an Iphone 5S which is the same as my Dad's I think.

The whole limo trip Luke just stared at me with a death threatening look. Maybe he wanted to kill me. He will probably beat me up like my Dad used to. I'll never get a normal life I guess. But at least I'm allowed outside, for now.

"What are you smiling about missy?" Calum asked me, with a big smile on his face, himself.

"I just can't believe I'm allowed outside, and I get to actually talk to people I suppose" I told Calum, the smile kind of just flew off his face.

"What do you mean?" Calum whispered, obviously making sure nobody else heard our conversation.

"You weren't told? I thought Marcus told you..... I thought that's why I got sent over here... so they didn't have to deal with me.... because they hate me?" I said while doing the bunny ears. I sure had a lot to tell these boys. Calum just shook his head looking a bit shocked. What did my Dad tell Marcus? That I had turned into a slut so he sent me away? Or that I wanted to go on holiday? I don't really know but it sure seemed weird. Was there secrets that he had kept from me too.

Both Calum and I were silent for the rest of the trip, so was Luke but then he never talked in the first place. Meanwhile Ashton and Mitchell laughed with Marcus about god know what.

"We're here!" Marcus announced "Luke take this girly up to your room, since she's yours"

How did Marcus mean I am Luke's? And why the hell do I have to stay with him. He's an ugly hearted dick. I am not staying in the same room as him. That's kind of gross. Luke stormed straight inside to their fancy house, without taking me. Why do they live together in like a 10 bedroom home? And how do they have so much money to rent a limo and own a mansion. Maybe they have girlfriends that live with them, and Luke's going to see her. Lucky bitch..... I mean yuck she can have him.

"I'll take you up to Luke" Marcus said to me. "He still hasn't gotten over that I found him a girlfriend, he was just so depressed so I thought I'd find him a girl". 

So Luke has a girlfriend, but I have to sleep with him. Basically I'll be like the awkward third person watching them do awkward things. Great.

I followed Marcus through the fancy house up the fancy stairs to Luke's room dragging my leopard print suitcase behind me. What if Luke and his girlfriend are like playing with each other? I don't even what to think about it.

"Luke's room is the 2nd room on the right. Sleep tight and remember you get your contract tomorrow" Marcus said before leaving me having to face Luke alone. Why did I have to stay with Luke when there were 100's of other rooms in this house.

I quickly ran down the stairs to catch up with Marcus. "Wait Marcus! Why do I have to sleep with Luke and his girlfriend when there are so many other rooms in the house?" I spat out of my mother, nearly running out of breathe.

"Look kid, I don't know your name but you need one..... there won't be another girl in there because you are Luke's girlfriend. You are so clueless. I bought you of your Dad, obviously because you're fucked up just like Luke you have to help each other. You have to stay with him at all time's if you like it or not" Marcus said nearly screaming.

"But... but.... I don't like Luke. You can't make me be his girlfriend!!" I yelled tears screaming down my face. "I am sick of people controlling me! I'm leaving, and you can't stop me!"

"Listen to me you brat. You and Luke are going out. You're madly in love. Like I said, your Dad sold you to me. I own you. I control you. Now get your ass into that room and make sure none of the boys see you ugly scars". Marcus continued yelling at me.

I didn't reply to him. Instead I stormed into Luke's room not saying anything at all. Why can't I be free? Why did I actually believe my Dad was being nice to me sending me away? He's sick. How can somebody be so sick and sell their own daughter. And why does it matter if Luke sees my scars? I dumped my suitcase on the floor and curled up in the corner completely ignoring Luke.

"What's wrong with you" I looked up seeing Luke on his bed with bright red puffy eyes.

"You" I reply, before laying back down and closing my eyes blocking out Luke.

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