A.N- Hey Guys!

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    So as you guys might ready know, this is my first book and I will be going through it once I'm done writing to edit and update it as much as possible.

      I will do my best to update as soon as possible but when it gets closer to and into the school year than it will be a bit harder for me to update as I will be trying to keep up with my school work.

      This book is an original that I came up with while listening to a song. But if it does start to sound anything remotely similar to another series on here, feel free to let me know by messaging me and I will have it sorted out.

Please excuse my bad writing in the beginning as this is, once again, my first book that I've ever actually liked when I've started writing it.

A shoutout to all of my friends who may not have Wattpad but who were certainly supportive and helped me build on my ideas with this book.

      This will be a series that will be required to be read in order for you to know what is going on. Otherwise there will end up being spoilers in the other books, that may cause you some confusion if not read correctly.

     I will be taking some feedback on this book as well while I am writing it. So if my writing style changes a bit while I am writing it, it will be me trying to improve on my writing skills.

      I will also be putting a playlist with all of the songs I intend to include along with the book so you can listen and feel the characters feelings more intensely than you normally would without music.

     This book will include some humour, sarcasm, wits, a bit of knowledge and a few ships along the way.

    It may make you feel angry, sad, emotional, sarcastic, ecstatic, and even in love at some points.

      So get comfortable, whether it's in your bed, under a blanket, on the couch or in the car because trust me, it will be a long, frustrating bumpy but happy ride from here.

Please do not copy this story in anyway, this is an original and I would like to keep it that way.

All rights reserved®️2018 Winterstorms125

Happy reading!

The Elvin Empire {Book One In The United As Four Series} •ON HOLD•Where stories live. Discover now