The Beginning: Part 2

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Darkness. That's all that Vincent could ever see, feel or touch. That never ending inky black hole slowly growing bigger and larger everyday in his mind, slowly but surely consuming him in it. Ever since he can remember, everything he was in contact with was dark, especially the now covered mirrors when he looked into them. He had always been overly self-conscious about his body image, so much so, that when he grew into his adult body, no matter how fine or hot other people had thought he was, he was never happy with it or himself.

An unexplainable curse, causing him to constantly have depression and think about death. All of these things and one more special reason all piled onto the list of reasons of why the Elvin King and Queen of the land, his own parents, sent him away at the tender age of 10, to live in his own broken down castle in the nation for the lost. In other words, the nation of the helpless, the incurable, and the one which he had been labeled under,
The Un-saveable.

When he had first gotten there, he was confused as of why he was there. For all he had known, he hadn't done anything wrong except for doing a harmless prank on the King the month before. When he had a look around inside at the time, there had been servants and maids to help him and feed him while he was there.

The castle at that time, hadn't been so broken down and dark looking at all. In fact, it was very nice and tidy looking in the beginning. But that had only lasted around 3 years. Slowly after about 3 years of living there, after he had come to a conclusion that he was never leaving, nor going back to the place he had called "home" for 10 years, servants and maids stopped coming. The fine meals that the cooks made, less and less frequent, until finally one day, it all just stopped.

Now 7 years later after being left in the castle, Vincent Ray was on his way into town, hoping to find enough food to buy for the rest of the week. It had become a weekly tradition for him to go out every Tuesday down to the market and do this. It got him out of his dreary home and make him look forward to going down and visiting his friend at a market stand there he had met when he was 12.

"Vincent come back here! You still haven't had your lunch yet!" Vincent laughed as he ran away from the maid who served him his breakfast, lunch and dinner every other day who he was currently supposed to be with.

He quickly ducked and ran into a narrow alleyway when he heard her running after him. Where do I go? Where should I go? He frantically thought to himself. He had never been outside of the castle and had always been trying to escape it to go and see the villages down the mountain where the castle was. So when the maid had left him alone and went inside for a couple minutes to go and get his meal, he took the opportunity to escape the castle since everyone else had taken a day off that day.

So that all now lead to him frantically trying to decide which way to go, when suddenly he heard someone say from behind him on his left "Hey you, over here". He turned and quickly looked around, spotting no one but a dark shadow by a covered door on the wall. "Who" he swallowed hard "Who's there?!" He said, trying his best to sound brave and intimidating, trying to do his best to cover up his sudden scared and afraid feelings.

"Over here, in the darkest corner; there is a hidden secret door hidden by the shadows.
Come and go through it if you don't wish to be caught and go back to where you just came from. Hush, hush now as the one who is looking for you is near and I am a friend. I will meet you at the door."

The Elvin Empire {Book One In The United As Four Series} •ON HOLD•Where stories live. Discover now